1.4 ‘….whoso reads, let him understand:’

Jesus gives us many clues in Matt 24 and 25 regarding the world circumstances in the years prior to his second coming.  The disciples had asked Jesus three questions: about the future of the temple, about His return and about the end of the world. These clues are also repeated in Mark 13 and Luke 17 & 21. However, most of these clues are fairly general and hard to isolate as a recognizable event or ‘milestone event’.

Matthew 24:15, however, seems to provide a possible clue that  pinpoints a specific recognizable event. This event is termed “the abomination of desolation.’

‘Matt 24:14: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness  unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso reads, let him understand:)

Verse 16 onwards are instructions to believers, those who notice it, to cease whatever they are doing and flee to the mountains, or the wilderness.

At first sight, this cryptic term, “the abomination of desolation”, seems to refer to a repugnant or vile action (i.e. the abomination) which results in emptiness (i.e. desolation). Most of us have seen empty, barren and uninhabitable places. Such places are so harsh, desolate and void of beauty that they can be described as ‘godforsaken’ places.

Then we also note, in this verse, that the place where this vile action will take place is ‘the holy place’.  Jesus seems to infer that this desolation will occur in a previously wholesome, special, set apart place, in a holy place. The general definition of ‘holy’ is ‘set apart’. This ‘holy place’ seems to be the ‘special place’ where our interaction with God takes place.

We recognize from all the New Testament teachings that we, as believers, are now the temple of God or ‘the holy place’. God dwells in you, and in all believers. God dwells in our hearts and minds and souls. It is thus this dwelling place, this temple, that Satan wants to corrupt.

Shouldn’t we then consider whether our ‘spiritual temples’ (thus also our bodies) are in danger of such a defilement, such an abomination to God in the end-time scenario? Will there possibly be an attempt in this end-time scenario to defile our ‘holy place? A defilement so abominable that it could destroy our ability to relate to God in our ‘holy place’? That we would find our holy place defiled and empty, and that we are unable to connect with God?  Such a deduction seems unthinkable. Would it really be possible to defile humanity in this manner?

Matthew 24:14 is an end-time prophecy with shocking implications, it seems. We cannot bypass it without a careful study of Jesus’s and Daniel’s words.  In addition, we should investigate possible alternate interpretations, and whether or not such interpretations have any merit.

Nevertheless, because Jesus’s words are the ultimate authority on end-times and because the implications of these words are so serious, believers should carefully investigate whether there may be an attempt in the end-time scenario to physically defile the ‘holy place’ in each Christian.

But before we proceed, we note that Jesus warns us to consider two caveats:

  1. The solution to this cryptic ‘abomination’ riddle will require some thought, i.e. the answer won’t be obvious.(…Jesus adds: ‘whoso reads, let him understand’….).
  2. That we should refer to Daniel’s ca. 536BC prophecy about a future end time event (or events), and study it.

The currently popular conclusion in Christian media, which seems a solution a little too obvious (considering the cryptic nature of Jesus’ clue), is that the future Antichrist is going to erect an abominable statue in the temple in Jerusalem and shall force the entire world to worship it. We can certainly consider this interpretation option, but we may have to overcome a considerable amount of N.T. teaching about the status of a man-made buildings and whether God would consider such a man-initiated building a holy place.

A possible option could be that this prophecy has a dual fulfillment, and that Jesus’s prophetic warning pertains to both a defilement of a physical ‘holy place’ by an abominal action (such as a resumption of animal sacrifices) as well as a defilement our spiritual temples. In this case a physical ‘holy place’ could have many applications, not only a ‘rebuilt temple’ in Jerusalem.

Towards the end of this post we will also be looking at the probable timing of the abomination.– preview of timeline link: Dan 8-12 timeline,

Also consider https://www.youtube.com/live/BIwKDr2SZJI?si=N2mEvZtcAMVdE4EE  as background.

OK, let’s investigate…

Daniel the prophet.

Jesus refers to an abomination ‘spoken’ of by Daniel the prophet. Note that Jesus guides us to a specific phrase, words spoken by Daniel. We are guided to make a literal comparison of the phrase ‘abomination of desolation’, taking Jesus’ words and comparing them with those spoken by Daniel.

It should thus be an elementary first step to find these verses that Jesus is referring to and to study these verses, and the surrounding ones too, word for word.

The reference from Jesus to the ‘abomination of desolation’, in Matt 24:15, points to two possible verses. We find these passages are in Daniel chapters 11 & 12:

  1. Daniel 11:31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily  sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. (KJV)
  2. Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.(KJV)

In addition, there are a further two verses that may be considered to have supplementary information:

3. Daniel 8:11-13 Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. (v12) And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression  and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered. Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, (v13) How long shall be the vision concerning the daily  sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation , to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

4. Daniel 9:26-27 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

The inclusion of Daniel 8:13 to act as supplementary information needs a brief explanation. The reference is to the ‘transgression of desolation’, and not the ‘abomination of desolation’. However, because Daniel 8 covers some of the same historical events as in Dan 11 and refers to the same historical ruler of chapter 11 , Daniel 8 will be included in this investigation, to help shed extra light on Daniel 11.

And indeed, as we do show later on, the transgression of desolation seems to be a similar, but earlier event, preceding the abomination of desolation.

The fourth (Daniel 9:26,27) reference, in the passage above, is to ‘abominations‘  and doesn’t really qualify because of the plural. Note Jesus was clearly referring to THE ‘abomination of desolation’ in Matthew 24:15 and not multiple abominations and desolations. In addition, ‘abominations’ and ‘desolations’ occur in two separate sentences and reverse order, further disqualifying Dan 9 as a reference. However, we will briefly investigate this passage as it does seem to have some relevance to ‘end times’. This passage may seem to refer to ‘the end’ with wording such as ‘…until the consummation...

What about Revelation?

The book of Revelation makes no direct reference to the abomination of desolation. However there is a warning, similar to Jesus’s subsequent warning, to flee.

Note that Jesus describes ‘the abomination’ as a warning signal, upon which one should flee (Matt 24:16 “Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:“). This is a warning then amplified by SIX more verses to emphasize that the abomination is so serious, that those who notice it should cease whatever they are doing and immediately flee to the mountains. (v17-22). These verses also show that whatever occurs in Judea also applies to the whole world. (v21)

The closest we get in Revelation is a warning to all Christians to ‘get out of Babylon’. By the term ‘Babylon’ we understand that this refers to a God-rejecting and blaspheming ‘one world government’, such was the case when the tower of Babel was erected. Refer 4C Babylon, a Revelation 17 and 18 study.

Revelation introduces many further cryptic terms such as ‘the image of the beast’, ‘the mark’, ‘the number, ‘the name of the beast’ (Rev 13).  ‘The mark’ seems to be a separate event and should not to be confused with the abomination. The reason is mainly due to the active participation required to receive the mark, while the abomination is occurs whilst the earth’s population is passive.

Some interpreters postulate that  ‘the image of the beast’ could be the abomination. This is a possibility, however, once again, mainly due to the active participation required by the earth’s population to worship this image, this option seems unlikely. The abomination is ‘set up’, hence it seems to be set up by the ‘beast system’. Whereas the ‘image of Revelation 13 states that everyone is involved in making the/this image, and then has to worship it or be killed.

Refer to note 1), at the end of this post, for a more detailed explanation of the Mark. In addition, as we will explain below, considering the timeline introduced in Daniel 8, 9 and 12, we consider it likely that the Rev 13 terms (‘the image of the beast’, ‘the mark’, ‘the number, ‘the name of the beast) refer to events after the abomination, events that will overtake those who have ignored the instruction to flee.

We note that we should also be expecting to have to do some work to figure out the solution to this God-given puzzle, and to be ready for some more cryptic information while searching for the pieces of the puzzle. And it being a God-given puzzle, to be receptive to His confirmation, or alternatively, the discomfort provided by the Holy Spirit when reading this.

Reference 1: Daniel 11:

The first of the verses that Jesus refers to, is in Daniel in 11:31: …. And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

The entire Daniel chapter 11 is prophecy, which Daniel wrote down during the reign of Cyrus, King of Persia (ca 536 BC). Earlier on, in Daniel 8, Daniel had already prophesied that Greece would become the next World Empire after Medo-Persia. This occurred when Alexander the Great, a Greek ruler, attacked and destroyed the Persian army, and went on to conquer the known world. Daniel also prophesied that Alexander would die young and his kingdom would be divided into four parts. This occurred as prophesied, and two of the most prominent of Alexanders four generals, as recorded in history, were Seleucid and Ptolemy. Seleucid ruled over the middle east and Ptolemy over Egypt and Africa. This occurred in the two centuries immediately before the Roman Empire and Jesus’ birth.

The fourth of Seleucid’s descendants was Antiochus the Great. When he died (Daniel 11:19), the eldest son became emperor (Daniel 11:20), but was soon murdered. A younger son, Antiochus Epiphanes, then became the sixth Seleucid on the throne (Daniel 11:21). The remainder of Daniel 11 describes this vile ruler’s actions and reign. (Dan 11:21-11:45)

Everything Daniel wrote down in Daniel 11 regarding Antiochus happened a few hundred years later, and exactly as prophesied. (Refer to Hopefulmartyr post 3.4 or Click Seleucid Antiochus History 200509)

Jesus emphasized in Matthew chapter 24, while discussing the ‘end of the world’, that there would be, in the future, a final world ruler whose actions would somehow resemble those of Antiochus Epiphanes. Jesus clearly places this event in the future. Please ignore the statements promoted  by some theological colleges that ‘Matt 24:15 ‘has already happened’. Apparently they consider that the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD included an abomination. Considering that the topic in Matt 24, by the time we get to the abomination (V15) involves ‘all nations’ (v9) and the gospel preached in ‘all the world as a witness to all nations'(v14), such an attempt to limit Matt 24:15 to 70AD and to one city is clearly wrong. In addition, as we shall see, the primary reference to the abomination in Daniel 12 is in a completely different setting to Dan 11, where there is no possible reference to Antiochus or 70AD at all.

A multiple fulfillment of prophecy.

Yes, it is true, history shows us that Daniel 11’s prophecy was fulfilled by Antiochus’s defilement of the temple, the then ‘dwelling place’ of God on this earth. This fulfilment happened around 168BC.

Jesus now speaks of the future in Matt 24, and it is clear when considering Daniel 12 (see below) that Dan 12:10 has more direct application to end times than Daniel 11.

Nevertheless, it seems possible that Jesus is also referring to Daniel 11’s Antiochus prophecy in Matthew 24:15, in order to shed extra light on this event.  Jesus may be referring to historic event to illustrate a future event. We could say the Antiochus event is the original fulfillment, illustrative of a similar future fulfillment. There are many other occurrences in the Bible of one event foreshadowing a future event. God’s power is so great and his Word is so rich that He can orchestrate history to repeat itself. Firstly there is the original illustrative or indicative fulfillment. This however, has a purpose. The first fulfillment was really intended to point towards a greater or more momentous fulfillment of that prophecy. We could also say that prophetic foreshadowing is a prophecy with an intended multiple fulfillment. Jesus is referring to such a future, similar end-time fulfillment.

Similarly, in Luke 21, we do also have a reference to 70AD, when Jerusalem was encompassed by armies(v20). This is also going to re-occur as a multiple, more momentous, fulfillment of prophecy.


Reference 2: Daniel 12:

The second of the two verses that Jesus refers to we find in Daniel in 12:11. This may be the more significant of the two verses due to the entire Daniel 12’s emphasis on ‘the time of the end’.

When reading Daniel 11 & 12 a few times, one cannot escape being struck by chapter 12’s relative simplicity after the enormous amount of detail encountered in Chapter 11. The Book of Daniel, in its last chapter, ‘slows down’ dramatically after five of the most graphic chapters of prophecy (Dan 7 to 11) to be found in the Old Testament.

Especially noticeable in Chapter 12 is the amount of repetition. This amount of repetition seems to be deliberate, to impress on the reader three main concepts:

a) that the information in these passages relate to ‘the end’.

b) that this prophecy is sealed.

c) that there is emphasis on a ~3.5 year end time period. (3.5 yrs;v7,  1290 days;v11,  1335 days;v12)

a) As we will see in the detailed discussion on Daniel 12 below, ‘the end’ is directly mentioned seven times, and indirectly three times. This totals to 10 times in 13 verses. With this highly unusual amount of repetition it seems that God is clearly guiding us towards the focus of these final passages in the Book of Daniel. The focus is ‘the end’ of the world as we know it. Thus, considering that the focus of Matthew 24 is Jesus second coming, which also covers ‘the end’ of the world as we know it, that would automatically make chapter 12 our primary reference relating to Matthew 24:15.

b) Secondly, Chapter 12 repeats twice that ‘the words’  are sealed until the ‘time of the end’. In particular, the words that are used are of interest: sealed, shut up and closed up. The amount of synonyms used here seems deliberate. Typically one synonym suffices to elaborate on a thought. Here we have two, and also note that this instruction is repeated twice. God seems to impress on us that it would be unwise, even a waste of time, to try understand the words of this prophecy until certain events have transpired or clarifications have been supplied. Even then, this passage furthermore adds that it will only be the wise that will understand. ‘The words’ will not be understood by the wicked.

c) Thirdly, it seems that God is giving us a cryptic timeline in Daniel 12. Christians are advised in v11 and 12 that there is a time limit on the end-time troubles (v1-3), that these will be for 1290 and 1335 days respectively. Note the context of verse one to three. They describe a time of trouble as never before, and v 4 describes that these events are sealed till the ‘time of the end’ (end times). In v11 the end times seem to start when the ‘regular’ is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up (v11). We will study these terms in more detail below.

It seems that Daniel chapter 12 is the primary reference to this future event (the abomination), as the content of Daniel 12 cannot be applied to any previous or historical events. It is entirely futuristic. This is unlike Daniel 8 to 11, where we encounter embedded historical events, Daniel 12 is solely focussed on the ‘time of the end’. And in particular, the last 1335 days before ‘the end’. (v12) Hence, because of this distinct parallel with Matthew 24:15, we will use chapter 12 as our primary basis for interpreting ‘the abomination of desolation’.

The Puzzle pieces:

A) Matthew 24:

Firstly we examine Matthew 24 and understand the key words. In bold italics, they are: ‘When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, …. stand in the holy place). Firstly:

a) ‘When you see…’, i.e. when you have knowledge of.

When one consults the Greek word for ‘see’ as used in Matt 24:15, the Greek ‘idnte’, ref Strong’s 1492, this may be translated  either as ‘see’ or ‘know’ or ‘knowledge’. The intent of this Greek word is clearly not referring to a visual identification only, but ‘to have knowledge of’, or to ‘take note’.

A back-check would be to find the Greek word for knowledge. Looking this up, we find that the English word ‘knowledge’ also yields the same Greek word, word number 1492, as a synonym to ‘see’. (ref Strong’s Greek dictionary).

Hence we suggest that the word ‘see’ does not necessarily mean that there is a visual object that will come to our attention.

b) ..abomination…

The bible uses the word abominable or abomination multiple times. This refers to something God considers vile, objectionable and/or blasphemous. We will suffice with this description for now.

c) …of desolation….

Looking up Strong’s Greek for desolation, word 2050, we find this refers to an action that ‘makes desolate’. The Greek root word for desolation is to ‘lay waste’ or to ‘make lonely’. Hence our initial impression stated above appears correct, that the ‘abomination of desolation” seems to refer to an action which God considers repugnant or vile and which results in emptiness. This term, in this context, may thus refer to a place made empty, void of God, a place deserted by God, a place empty of normal activity and interaction between man and God, a God-forsaken place.

d)...stand in…

The Greek word for stand may be taken at face value, with perhaps the slight elaboration of ‘taking position’.

e) …the holy place..

We recognize from the New Testament teachings that we, as believers, are now the temple of God,  This indwelling is abundantly clear that in Christ: “In whom all the building fitly framed together, grows unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit”. (Eph 2:21-22). We are the temple.

1 Cor 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? {3:17} If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. {3:18} Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. {3:19} For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.

The physical temple lost its function on Resurrection day when the temple curtain was supernaturally torn, and on that same day Jesus breathed on his disciples and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). The disciples were indwelt by the Spirit from that day on, so are we also, at the very moment we trust and believe that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross paid for our sin and when we accept his offer of eternal life with Him.

Recognizing from all the New Testament teachings that we, as believers, are now the temple of God, are our bodies not where we are to look for the ‘defilement’ or the ‘abomination? A defilement so abominable that we would loose our ability to ‘connect’ with God, that our ‘holy place’ is desolate?

Even though there may perhaps be an additional, but tertiary fulfillment, with a future physical future temple being built in Jerusalem, the primary interpretation of Mt 24:15 seems to refer to an attempt to defile each Christian physically with something abominable to God which will result in emptiness.

Now lets look at the verses that Jesus tells us to take a serious look at:

B) The Puzzle pieces: Daniel 11:

Having looked at Matt 24:15, lets now examine Daniel 11:31, the first of the two ‘abomination’ passages in Daniel. “And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.”(11:31 KJV). Now lets look at it more closely to make sure we understand the key words:

In bold italics, the key words are:…’and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. As Daniel wrote these words using the Hebrew language, it is also useful to look at these key words using the Hebrew dictionary. The Hebrew may be checked using https://biblehub.com/interlinear/daniel/11.htm

a) Daily sacrifice:

Its perhaps a bit odd that we should use this as our first clue in Daniel’s abomination verse. However, there is something odd about the verse in the KJV, because the word ‘sacrifice’ is typeset in italics. Although we trust the KJV as the richest  of all English texts for study purposes, it seems that there is something here worth investigating. When one encounters italic typeset in the KJV, this is an insert made by translators to help give a cryptic sentence meaning.  Investigating the Hebrew of Daniel 11:31 the reason for the insert immediately becomes apparent. The Hebrew text (the word ‘Tamid’) does not translate as ‘the daily sacrifice’ but ‘the regular’ or ‘continuingly/continuance’!

The Hebrew text does not state ‘…and shall take away the daily sacrifice‘ but ‘…shall take away the regular (or continuance) ‘. Someone it was decided to make an assumption… that regular would have meant ‘the daily sacrifice’.

This assumption seems reasonable in that it assumes that the ‘holy place’ means ‘the temple in Jerusalem’, and hence ‘regular’ could have meant the ‘daily sacrifice’. True, Daniel’s prophecy was fulfilled by Antiochus, when he desecrated the temple and stopped sacrifices in ~167BC.  However Jesus states much later, in ~30AD, that there will be second fulfillment of this prophecy, but hints that, most likely, it will be in a different way. (..whoso readeth…).

Hence, making an assumption that ‘regular’ would have meant ‘the daily sacrifice’, is a highly questionable assumption as it may lead the reader off track. In this case this turns out to be an unacceptable assumption, as we will explain below, because believers are  the New Testament temple of God. The temple building ceased to have significance on resurrection day. Hence for this study we will revert to the Hebrew, and reject the term ‘daily sacrifice’.

We will therefore be especially aware that there will be something ‘regular’ that will be taken away by the antichrist system, which most likely will NOT be a physical temple sacrifice. It up to us to ‘watch and pray’ to discern what this may be.

b) “…they shall pollute

The Hebrew word translated as pollute is ‘chalal’, to bore, to wound. (Strong’s 2490) , and figuratively to profane a person, a place or thing. Hence we recognize that the figurative application was chosen, probably because of the association with the temple. That’s correct for the Antiochus ‘foreshadowing’ fulfillment, but not necessarily applicable for the final fulfilment of this prophecy. To ‘bore’ or ‘wound’ as the primary meaning must thus be seriously considered for this final fulfillment!

Taken literally as well as figuratively, when we consider this piece of the puzzle, we should be considering any wounding, piercing or penetration of the skin in order to pollute our body as a possibility.  This would closely align with the Matt 24:15 ‘s ‘abomination’ (in other words the Dan 11 ‘pollution’) being ‘inserted/injected’ (i.e. the Dan 11 ‘chalal – to bore’) into the ‘holy place’. (i.e. into God’s temple, our bodies.)

c) the sanctuary of strength”, 

Hebrew translates …’the sanctuary, the fortress’…

The Hebrew word translated as ‘sanctuary’ is ‘miqdash’, (Strong’s 4720), a consecrated thing or place.

The Hebrew word translated as ‘fortress’ is ‘ma’uz’ (Strong’s 4581) fortified place, a defence, strength.

We have seen in clue 1 above (A) a) that Satan is attempting to sidetrack us into making the assumption that  the ‘sanctuary of strength’ and the ‘holy place’ is a temple in Jerusalem. By considering where the New Testament ‘temple’, ‘holy place’ and ‘sanctuary’ of strength’ is, we can quickly dismiss a temple in Jerusalem as highly unlikely. Jesus and the apostles clearly state in the New Testament that Jesus, and all saved believers ‘in Jesus’ is the dwelling place of God on this earth.

Note Jesus ‘broke down this temple’, and rebuilt it in three days (ref John 2:19, Matt 26:61, Mark 15:29). Jesus is clearly speaking about his body being the rebuilt temple. He is the cornerstone (Eph 2:21-22), which together with the apostles, prophets and saints (we) who are all ‘in  Jesus’, are now God’s dwelling place. Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross was the final sacrifice for our sins, forever. Jesus has done it all. No further sacrifice will ever be required, and no temple building either.

The temple building ceased to have any significance on resurrection day.

d) ..to place... in Hebrew (Strong’s 5414) ‘to put’… This word may be taken at face value. The same word 5414 is used in Dan 12.

e) the abomination : Strong’s Hebrew word 8251 reads “disgusting, filthy, idolatrous, detestable. The same word 8251 is used in Dan 12.

f) that maketh desolate: Strong’s Hebrew word 8074 matches to Dan 12’s 8074 . (see below)

The word check above confirms that Dan 11’s ‘abomination of desolation’ matches  Jesus’ wording for the same term.


C) The Puzzle pieces: Daniel 12:

Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Word study:(key words have Strong’s Hebrew word reference numbers added. Refer  https://biblehub.com/interlinear/daniel/12.htm)

….and the abomination 8251 that maketh desolate 8074 set up 5414,…

a) the abomination: Strong’s Hebrew word 8251 reads “disgusting, filthy, idolatrous, detestable.” Its often used to express God’s hatred of the whole system of idolatry. This matches Matthew 24’s description of an abomination.

b) makes desolate: Strong’s Hebrew word 8074 reads “stun, desolate, stupefy, astonished, waste, destroy, be destitute.” This matches Matthew 24 which refers to an action that ‘makes desolate’, or to “lay waste”. The same root word is used in Daniel 8 and 9 for ‘desolate’, ‘desolator’ or ‘desolating’.

c) set up: Strong’s Hebrew word 5414 reads “put, deliver, set, lay, grant, bring, made.” This seems to match Matt 24’s “stand in”, and Daniel 11’s KJV wording  ‘to place’.

The word check above thus confirms that Dan 12’s ‘abomination of desolation’ matches  Jesus’ wording for the same term.

The End…Dan 12

To confirm that Daniel 12 is the primary verse applicable to Jesus’s reference to the ‘abomination of desolation’, we need to have a detailed look at the verses relating to ‘the end’ in Dan 12. Should these verses conclusively deal with ‘the end’, being the main topic of the Matt 24 discourse, we may assign primacy to this chapter and use it as basis of reference for the chapter 8 -11 references to the ‘abomination of desolation’,.

There are 7 direct references in 13 verses to ‘the end’, ‘..end of these things’, ‘…all these things shall be finished’:

  1. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end:
  2. How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
  3. it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
  4. And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
  5. And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
  6. But go thou thy way till the end be:
  7. for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

In addition, the first two verses and v 10 also refer to end times, when aligned with Jesus words about his second coming :

  1. Daniel 12:1-12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:
  2. and at that time ..And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
  3. (V10) Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Hence, if we were wise, we would give priority to the words and timing mentioned in Dan 12 above those given in Dan 8 & 11.

Daniel 12: The content

Having confirmed that Daniel 12 is the primary verse applicable to Jesus’s reference to the ‘abomination of desolation’, we now examine the content.

The content of Daniel 12 may be summarized in dot-point format as follows:

  • Michael (the archangel) is the great prince which will stand up for Daniel’s people (Israel)
  • At the end there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: This matches Jesus’s words in Matt 24:21.
  • At the time of the end many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
  • At that time everyone written in the book shall be delivered, the dead shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
  • Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; the wise shall understand. The wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand;
  • The wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
  • The words of the book of Daniel are sealed.
  • When?… it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
  • The duration?… from the time that the regular shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

What do we learn from Dan 12 regarding the abomination?

Daniel 12 gives no details about the abomination itself, but what it does do very well, is to give us a brief picture of the world circumstances at the time of the abomination. Hence we may well ask if the current world events do fit with Daniel’s predicted  world circumstances?

Taking these one by one :

  • ‘the time of the end’ : one may derive from this that the entire world will be affected during this time. We get the picture that there will be a world-wide ‘showdown’ in which God’s people will ‘shine like stars’. The move of the world towards a one world banking system, centralized identification and surveillance, a looming universal currency; these all point towards centralized power. Globalists are positioning themselves to take control of the world resources and populations.
  • Increase in wickedness: The ‘wicked shall do wickedly’, is contrasted with the wise, who are purified, and will understand what is happening. This points to a polarization between the wicked and the wise. This invariably results in the wicked becoming more wicked progressively, which is what we are currently noticing in entertainment and media, perhaps politics and governance as well.
  • a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time – It is not quite clear yet how these ‘worst of all troubles’ are going to materialize. Currently increasing’ pestilence’ (i.e. pandemics) & famine seem to be the likely avenues. and the murderous intent of the globalists and their hand in promoting the ‘fall of western society/morals/values’ is becoming increasingly apparent.
  • many shall run to and fro: This sounds much like people who are trapped in a rat-race: Long gone are the peaceful agrarian lifestyles. Commuting to work, driving to shops, schools, sport and entertainment has added an enormous amount of hustle and bustle to our lives. It may well be that we are trapped in this scenario currently.
  • knowledge shall be increased: This is an amazing bit of information: the global interconnectedness has made information sharing and access so simple. No one can miss the exponential growth in technology in the last 50 years. This prophecy is a definite fit with current world events.

Hence it does seem that we have to read Daniel 11 and 12 together. Daniel 12 provides assurance that ‘the abomination’ will occur at the ‘time of the end’ likely over a 3-4 year period, and gives a brief picture of what the world situation will look like at that time. Daniel 11 clarifies that the abomination will involve a physical defilement of the holy place, the N.T. temple of God, the believers.

Daniel 8: supplementary information:

(v13) How long shall be the vision concerning the regular (daily  sacrifice?), and the transgression of desolation , to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

Dan 8 & 9 cover events that are a foreshadowing of the ‘end-time abomination’. We recognize that with such foreshadowing, it is likely that clues drawn from these earlier chapters may be more veiled than the outright statements in Dan 12.

Concepts that reflect what we have discussed in Daniel 11 & 12 are:

  • The taking away of the regular (v11) – also v13 in Dan 8
  • at the time of the end shall be the vision (17 and v19)
  • shall destroy the mighty and the holy people (v24)
  • magnify himself, stand up against the Prince of princes.(v25)

However, Daniel 8 introduces a number of additional concepts:

  • the host of heaven, and some of the host cast down (v10), prince of the host (v11), a host given to him (v12), host trodden underfoot (v13)
  • the transgression of desolation and sanctuary trodden underfoot (v13)
  • The cleansing of the sanctuary (v14)
  • the indignation (v19)
  • king of fierce countenance understanding dark sentences (v23)
  • By peace shall destroy many (v25)
  • destroy wonderfully (v24), craft (deceit) will prosper (v25)

Daniel 8 is clear about its prediction that the Greek empire will displace the Persian empire (v20-21), and that four Greek kingdoms will arise out of the initial one.(v22)

{8:20} The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. {8:21} And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. {8:22} Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. {8:23} And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

However, the narrative shifts focus a number of times. A mere Greek dictator, located in the middle-east, having lost some battles against Rome and Egypt, doesn’t seem to fit descriptions like: “it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars (v10), …prince of the host (v11), …a host given to him (v12), …host trodden underfoot (v13)”.

Host of Heaven: No mere man can fit this description. Hence this Dan 8:10-13 description should be viewed as a mystery, one of those that Daniel was repeatedly instructed about, that these words are sealed till the time of the end. Note also that in Dan 12:1 Michael (the archangel) is identified as ‘the great prince of your people”. References to princes should be investigated whether these do not apply to supernatural beings, such as angels or demons. The word ‘host of heaven’ and ‘it cast down some of the host and of the stars’ also seems to apply to a multitude of these supernatural beings being ‘cast down’. Also refer to v23: ‘king of fierce countenance understanding dark sentences’, a likely reference to demonic exposure.

The end time antichrist seems to be a demonically empowered man, a man-demon. As the evil people seemed to be like in Noah’s day, it seems that there is going to be some fusion between man and demons. Such a fusion may allow this man-demon to exercise power in the supernatural realm. These powers are equated with the powers of the highest ranking demon in Daniel 8 & 11. Daniel may even be referring to Satan himself, fusing himself with this man.

Even in the verses in Daniel 11 v 36 to 38 we seem to get a sampling of such an event, as these verses also have a supernatural quality to them.

Hence, taking note that “these words are sealed till the time of the end”, if we were to examine current events for an event that could unlock the ‘seal ‘, it may be that with the current drive toward merging man, A.I. and nano-robotics, we may have a fit. There is a ‘transgressing’ of boundaries currently taking place on a scale that we could never have imagined. Transgressing the boundaries that God has set in our DNA, it is possible that a man-demon fusion is what we could expect when the antichrist is revealed.

Applying possible current events to the ‘transgression of desolation’ and the ‘sanctuary trodden underfoot’ (v13), we could have a match should the ‘transgression’ be that the boundaries of our God-given DNA are being destroyed, disrespected and trodden underfoot.  The various mandates  are a world-wide phenomenon which coerce the populace to inject foreign genetic material into their bodies, inherently disrespecting our right of choice regarding our bodies. We respect the intricacies of the ways that God made us. This is bound to be infinitely more complex than any man can ever comprehend. Any arrogant attempt by man to ‘enhance’ our DNA is pure folly, and is guaranteed to have unexpected and disastrous consequences.

The transgression of desolation:  Daniel 8 uses the term ‘transgression’ rather than ‘abomination’. We have already discussed ‘the abomination that makes desolate’ under Daniel 11, 12 and Matt 24. From Daniel 8 we may now derive the nature of the abomination. This abomination will be a transgression, a trespass, willful overstepping of God’s boundaries. The concept of trespass may be applied to any attempt to alter God’s design for his chosen vessels. We are His sanctuary on this earth. As seen before, we as New Testament believers are the temple of God on this earth. Satan appears to be plotting to defile this temple, such that God will leave, or make it ‘desolate’, uninhabited.

Another possibility is that we may use the word ‘barren’ as a synonym for ‘desolate’. Excessive use of chemicals in food production and pharmaceuticals harms the very sensitive reproductive system of girls and women, progressively increasing its  sterilizing effect. In this case the  ‘transgression of desolation’ may be seen as the transgression that progressively makes women barren, or desolate, alone.

Sanctuary trodden underfoot: We are God’s sanctuary on this earth, His habitation (Eph 2). By deceiving humankind into a defilement of their bodies, Satan may attempt to to put his mark on what is God’s. This may also be why God is so clear about the ‘mark of the beast’ (Rev 13 & 14). Anyone that takes such a mark will be exposed to God’s wrath and everlasting torment. (Rev 14:9-11). That may also be why such a large proportion of scripture is devoted to warnings of deception prior to Jesus’s return. We are to watch, pray and be ready for  Jesus’s second coming. (Matt 24)

The cleansing of the sanctuary: In the above context, the ‘cleansing’ seems to refer to the purification of believers, God’s sanctuary. At the gathering of the elect (Matt 24:30), or as elsewhere stated (1 Thess 4:17, Rev 14:14-16), we are ‘caught up/reaped/raptured’. This is when we will receive our purified resurrection bodies. When our sinful natures are purified, we as believers will all be ‘cleansed’.

What is most revealing about this cleansing, is that the Hebrew word almost exclusively refers to a personal cleansing. It is hardly ever used for cleansing a defiled building. That personal aspect would lend weight to our previous conclusion that the sanctuary/holy place refers to God’s indwelling in believers.

By peace shall destroy many (v25): Both Daniel 11 and Revelation 6 (the white horse conqueror) indicate that the end-time antichrist system will conquer the world by lies, flattery and deception. The whole world will act as if they have lost their collective minds, as if they are drunken, have no discernment. (Rev 17 and 18 has many references to the world being ‘drunk’). The Babylon system will apply mass deception, perhaps mass psychosis, so that the world will willingly  walk towards their destruction, following the pied pipers of false promises.

The above also fits with v25: by craft (deceit) he will prosper.

Destroy wonderfully (marvelously) (v24), Revelation 13:13 speaks of the Babylon system and leaders being capable of ‘great signs and wonders’. They will even be able to call fire down from heaven. These ‘wonders’ may be technological in nature. It is only recently that satellites may be used to ‘call fire down from heaven’. It is almost certain that a One World Order’ government will use all the technology at its disposal to control or eliminate dissenters and opposition. At the same time, this may be accompanied by supernatural powers. For example, it seems that demons are able to make themselves heard through speech in seances. The ‘image of the beast’ in Rev 13:15 is described as being able to speak, and could ’cause as many of those who will not worship the beast to be killed’. Daniel 8:24’s reference seems to closely match that of Rev 13:15.

Dan 8 ‘host’ and ‘sanctuary’: Self study: Using the above possibilities, it would be interesting to replace the word ‘Host’ with ‘multitude’ and the word ‘sanctuary’ with ‘believers’. Then read Dan 8:12:14. This shows a remarkable fit. Perhaps with v10 & 11 included as well, with the additional insert in v10 & 11 using ‘supernatural multitude’ and ‘place of his sanctuary was’ with ‘believers were’.


Daniel 9 supplementary information

Daniel 9:26-27 “And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

As mentioned in the introduction, Daniel 9:27  doesn’t really qualify for supplementary information because of the plural. The passage above refers to ‘abominations‘ twice, and not once to THE abomination.

Daniel 9:26-27 refers primarily to Jesus, the Messiah. After 3.5 years of ministry (‘midst of the week’) he will be cut-off, ie die. Because of His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection “he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease”. There was no more need for temple sacrifices after Jesus’s sacrifice.  Jesus is the final sacrifice, fulfilling the OT foreshadowing and the temple sacrifices pointing towards what God would do for us by sending His Son to rescue us from our sinful state. After his resurrection and ascension the people of the ‘prince to come’ i.e. the demonic prince of Rome, will destroy the temple and desolate Israel. The reason given is because of the desolations that are determined following their rejection of the Messiah.

The reason why verse 27 refers to Rome is because Daniel clearly identifies that every empire has a demonic prince ruling over that empire. This is very clear when reading Daniel 10: the archangel is speaking:

  • Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
  • Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.

From history we know that the empire after Greece was the Roman empire. Over the Roman empire there would similarly be the ‘prince of Rome’. Hence the ‘the people of the prince that shall come’ who ‘shall destroy the city ‘ would be Rome. Hence we can conclude that the events of Dan 9:27 , the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Roman armies, has already occurred, and that Daniel’s people, Israel, will remain desolate until ‘the consummation’, i.e. ‘the end’. Romans 9 to 11 clearly describes that Israel will only be ‘saved’ at the end, that a remnant will call out to Him for salvation when their eyes are finally opened at His second coming.

What about events in Daniel’s life symbolizing an abomination?

There are many events in Daniel’s life that have prophetic content. Daniel 1-6 describe events during his life, while chapters 7 to 12 are pure prophecy. The first six chapters do contain many such symbolic real life pictures or ‘foreshadowing’ of future events. The enforced worship of Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue is one example, as found in Dan 3. There is however no detail given as to the nature of the statue erected by Nebuchadnezzar for us to study. In addition, Jesus’ reference to a phrase as ‘spoken’ by Daniel seems to discourage us from considering a symbolic interpretation of his life events, but rather the words of prophecy in the latter chapters.

Mingling of the seed.

There is one prophecy in the early chapters Daniel with great end-time significance though. The interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2) is both an event in Daniel’s life and a prophecy. At the end of Daniel’s interpretation, just before the establishment of Jesus’s everlasting kingdom, the world is going to be ruled by 10 kings, represented by the 10 toes of the statue. “{2:41} And whereas thou saw the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou saw the iron mixed with miry clay. {2:42} And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. {2:43} And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Besides describing them as partly weak (the smaller toes?) and partly strong (big toes?) in verse 42, the following verse presents a very puzzling picture. These ‘kings’ ‘will ‘mingle themselves with the seed of men‘. This verse is open to various interpretations, however, in this context the ‘seed of men’ is clearly our posterity. (ref Strong’s Hebrew dictionary). There will clearly be some change to the ‘seed of men’. What exactly is difficult to say, but you may draw your own conclusions what the possible options might be.

A further cryptic clue is that: ‘they shall not ‘cleave’ to one another’. ‘Cleaving’ is used elsewhere in scripture to describe the relationship between husband and wife. Is this perhaps a change to our seed that will happen unnaturally, without ‘cleaving’, i.e. not by normal intercourse between husband and wife? Once again, draw your own conclusions.

The final cryptic clue is the picture of iron and clay, a kingdom “part of potters’ clay, and part of iron”. This kingdom may perhaps consist of individuals who are partly ‘clay’ and partly ‘iron’. Potters clay is represented elsewhere in the Bible to describe people who are molded by God, the potter. In this case a mixture of iron and clay may refer to the current push towards transhumanism, where it is promoted that humanity (the clay) should be ‘enhanced’ by programmable nanotechnology (the iron). Current entertainment and media are full of propaganda in this direction.

The timing:

Here a reference to a previous Revelation study may be helpful, which can be found in the appendices of this blog. Without repeating all the details and references, there are about 10 verses with end-time timing information:

  • 2300 days (~6.3 years) from the taking away of the regular (which is linked to the abomination) to the ‘cleansing of the sanctuary’. (Daniel 8:13)
  • Seven references to 1260 days (3.5 years) in Daniel (7:25, 12:7) and Revelation 11 to 13 (11:2 &3, 12:6 &14, 13:5), within which it seems that the antichrist will essentially be allowed to have unrestricted powers over humanity. (except over the two witnesses and the Rev 12 ‘woman’)
  • One reference to 1290 days preceding the ‘setting up’ of the abomination, (Daniel 12)
  • and one to 1335 days, a call to wait/endure for 1335 days. (also in Daniel 12)

Using Dan 12 as our primary reference, we are given the information in Daniel 12:11 that, from the time from the ‘regular’ (i.e. not the ‘daily sacrifice’)  is taken away, until “the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days “(1290 or 3 years 7 months). – ref timeline link: Dan 8-12 timeline

Dan 12:11 gives a vital bit of information about the run-up to the abomination of desolation.  First we have an event called the taking away of the ‘ regular’. From this point we can measure 1290 days up to the abomination of desolation being set up.  Furthermore we have Dan 8’s 2300 days from the same event, (the taking away of the ‘regular’  and the’ transgression of desolation’) up to the cleansing of the sanctuary: “(v13) How long shall be the vision concerning the regular (not daily  sacrifice), and the transgression of desolation , to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” One is tempted to think, at first sight, that the abomination of desolation (Dan 11 & 12) and the ‘transgression of desolation’ of Dan 8 are the same event. They are not.

Daniel 8 introduces a coincident event with the taking away of the ‘ regular’, called the  ‘transgression of desolation’. This transgression seems to be occurring at a similar time as the taking away of the ‘ regular’. Although unlikely, they may even be two different terms for the same event.

Considering both Dan 8:13 and Daniel 12:11 above, we can point to four events with timing attached.

  1. The taking away of the ‘regular’. (…not daily sacrifice)
  2. The transgression of desolation.’
  3. The abomination of desolation. (1290 days after 1&2 above)
  4. The cleansing of the sanctuary.(2300 days after 1&2 above)

Recognizing from 1 & 3 above that there are 1290 days between the transgression and the abomination it follows that they are separate events. The ‘transgression’ occurs first, then 1290 days pass, and then the ‘abomination’ is set up. With the transgression it seems that God has drawn a line in the sand, an event or action, when trespassed or ‘transgressed’, God says enough!

This trespass starts God’s end time clock ticking.

Furthermore note that  this same starting point is used for both Dan 12’s 1290  days and Daniel 8’s 2300 days, it follows that the ‘transgression of desolation’ and the ‘taking away of the regular’ are the milestone events we should watch for. Once identified, we can know that our era of ‘slavery to sin’ will end soon and the ‘glorious freedom of the children of God’ will commence. (Romans 8)

Timing options.

Should we now attempt to apply the four timed events in Dan 8 and 12 to the time we are living in, we do so with the knowledge that it is easy to err when setting dates, considering the cryptic nature of these four terms. What we state as options below are our ‘best fit’ options with information available to us now. We do so keeping in mind the warning in Dan 12 that the prophecy is sealed. That is, that it can’t be interpreted correctly until certain events have taken place which will then act as a key to unlock the timing aspect of the prophecy.

Proceeding carefully, we note that we have not examined the term ‘cleansing of the sanctuary’ yet.  Using Dan 8 and its supplementary information, we firstly note that there will be about 6.38 years  (2300 days) from the ‘transgression of desolation’ until the ‘cleansing of the sanctuary’. Reading this verse again…..  How long shall be the vision concerning the daily  sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation , to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.(v13).

By the cleansing of the sanctuary two alternatives are possible:

  • A) The sanctuary may refer to the N.T. dwelling place of God, the body and souls of believers. We are cleansed at the rapture. (1 Thess 4:16,17)
  • B) The sanctuary may refer to the earth under Jesus’s reign (or possibly the new millennial temple, as described in Ezekiel), which may undergo a cleansing process, i.e. it may be 2300 days from the transgression till ‘the end’, with Jesus coming on the White Horse to establish His 1000-year kingdom and to cleanse and restore the world from the defilement of the Antichrist system and their blasphemous acts.

The second seems to be more likely, especially as the ‘host’ (all people) are also trodden underfoot by the antichrist system. There is a ‘treading underfoot’ process right up to ‘the end’.

Thus, in the first alternative, should the cleansing of the sanctuary refer to the rapture of believers, the transgression may precede the rapture by the full 2300 days. In this case, as a first option, say option A-1, when making the assumption that the transgression could have started, for example, in Jan 2021, we may postulate that the ‘cleansing of believers’ (rapture) is ~6.3 years later. This then possibly starts around April-May 2027. Many other options re the transgression, i.e. option A-2, option A-3 may be postulated, depending on the severity of the defilement, a point when God says enough! In any event, for alternative A, the earliest date would be around April-May 2027.

In Option A-4, say. we could consider that the ‘transgression’ may be referring to the current abominable transgression that attempts to make women barren, or desolate, unable to have children. Excessive daily consumptions of chemicals (in food and pharmaceuticals) especially harms the very sensitive reproductive system of girls and women, possibly sterilizing them and their future offspring. In this case the  ‘transgression of desolation’ seems to be a good fit with the defilement or transgression which makes barren, desolate, empty.

For alternative B, which we consider unlikely, should the ‘cleansing’ refer to the purified millennial earth and/or temple, the timing of the rapture moves to an earlier date. In this case, say option B-1, when making the assumption that the transgression could have started during recent world events commencing in Jan 2021, for example, we may expect the rapture prior to the commencement of Jesus’s millennial reign (~ April-May 2027). as the rapture would then be somewhere between April-May 2027 and the ‘Abomination of desolation’ (July-Sept 2024 i.e. 1290 days after Jan 2021).

To summarize, in this case, we used Dan 12:11’s ‘1290 days until the abomination is set up’ and added that to Jan 2021. Furthermore, we could then expect the start of the antichrist’s reign of terror to commence in July-Sept 2024. This is approx 3 years and 7 months after Jan. 2021. At that stage the ‘abomination’ will be set up, which is probably the enforcement of the ‘transgression’. At this time no one will be able, without proof or either the mark or ‘the number’ to buy or sell. This brutal enforcement probably leads into the ‘great tribulation’, spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24:21. (For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.)

Note in this option the rapture is after the commencement of the great tribulation, at an undisclosed time during the Antichrist’s reign. (possibly 1335 days after the ‘taking away of the regular’, mentioned in Dan 12?). Also note further options re the transgression, i.e. option B-2, option B-3 may be postulated. The recent defilement at Sinai in Nov 22 by those of the ‘climate heresy’, a physical defilement of a ‘holy place’, could even be seen as the transgression which could have starting God’s 2300 day clock ticking.

The reader is left with the choice on the nature of the ‘transgression’ and the ‘abomination’, whether it’s a defilement caused by any or a combination of the following:

  • the excessive use of chemicals in our food supply, medications and environment reducing our ability to function physically and/or spiritually, (refer to 3.13 Pharmakeia) or
  • the alteration of our ‘seed’, our DNA, or
  • the taking away of our reproductive capacity by enforced sterilization.

Alternatively there could be a defilement of a physical ‘holy place’, a location. The reader is also left with the choice on the nature and commencement of the desolation, whether its still in the future, or is already underway in its initial form as the ‘transgression’.



The “Abomination of desolation” and the defilement of the temple:

Daniel 11 prophesies the defilement of the temple in Jerusalem, an event that actually happened a few hundred years later and which is recorded in the book of the Maccabees. A vile Greek emperor did all kinds of abominable things to and in the temple and to the Jewish people. In Daniel 12 prophesies that a similar event will re-occur at ‘the end’, prior to Jesus’s second coming.

Jesus confirmed this. Jesus warned in Matt 24:15 that this ‘Abomination’ is going to re-occur but adds a caveat, that it will require some wisdom from the reader to interpret this. Recognizing that we believers are now the temple of God, are our bodies not where we are to look for the ‘defilement’ or the ‘abomination’? The physical temple lost its function on Resurrection day when the temple curtain was supernaturally torn, and on that same day Jesus breathed on his disciples and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). Being indwelt by the Spirit from that day on, so are we  also, at the very moment we trust and believe that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross paid for our sin and we thereby accept his offer of eternal life with Him.

This indwelling is abundantly clear from the New Testament, that in Christ: “In whom all the building fitly framed together, grows unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit”. (Eph 2:21-22).

We are the temple. Even though there may perhaps be an additional, but secondary, fulfillment by a physical future temple being built, the primary interpretation of Mt 24:15 refers to an attempt to defile each Christian physically and in particular, their sanctuary or ‘holy place’..

From the further passages in Daniel 8,9 and 12, which confirm the above, we gain additional insights as to the warnings associated with this ‘abomination of desolation’.

Regarding the book of Revelation, given the timeline introduced in Daniel 8, 9 and 12, we consider it likely that the terms ‘the image of the beast’, ‘the mark’, ‘the number, ‘the name of the beast’, do not refer to the ‘abomination of desolation’. Its likely that these refer to later events, events that will overtake those who have ignored the instruction to flee.


DRAFT: Dan 12  review to be completed….



  1. The Mark: ‘The mark of the beast’  seems to be a separate event and not to be confused with ‘the abomination of desolation’. The reason we consider it to be different is mainly due to the active participation of the earth’s population that will be required to receive the mark, while the abomination occurs whilst the earth’s population is passive. Note also the extent of this event. From Matt 24:15-18 it seems to be possible to flee the abomination, but from the passage below, it seems that ‘no man’ (v17) will escape the power and control that the second beast will wield to enforce the mark. To wield such power over every person on earth implies that this second personage will be monitoring every person’s compliance, and in all conceivable locations. Those not complying will be killed:

Rev 13:11:(KJV)  And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. {13:12} And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
{13:13} And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, {13:14} And deceives them that dwell on the earth by  those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. {13:15} And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. {13:16} And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: {13:17} And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This could match what Jesus warns about in Matt 24; that if the days weren’t shortened, no man would be saved.

We can now list the events from the above passage, demonstrating the active participation that will be required from the earth’s population:

  • Worship: The second beast, introduced in Rev 13:11, coerces all the earth to worship the first beast. ( Antichrist and the antichrist system). Worship requires the engagement of the participant. The Antichrist will probably monitor whether such worship meets his standards.
  • Deception, Wonders and Miracles: The second beast employs visible miracles to deceive the world, such as making fire (lightning in the Greek) come down from heaven. These may be technologically induced ‘miracles’ in nature. Note again the difference: the abomination is aimed at the defilement of the population, while the Rev 13 events are aimed at promoting active worship of the first beast, the antichrist.
  • Make an image to the beast: This statement clearly requires active participation and compliance.
  • That the image of the beast should both speak: This may be a technologically (AI) induced ‘miracle’.
  • ..cause that as many…should be killed: The second beast will either give instruction, or use his ‘power instruments’ to kill the non-compliant.
  • receive a mark … that no man might buy or sell: This much discussed sign would currently be possible to implement once a one world digital currency is enforced.
  • in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Once again, active participation is required, a choice is to be made to receive the mark.  It would be difficult to implement such a mark without the knowledge of the receiver. The abomination, however, seems to appear out of nowhere, and once noticed or seen, required a believer to flee.

From the above, we would be skeptical about any claims that the abomination and the mark are the same.

2) Additional timing signs.

Referring to the timeline link: Dan 8-12 timelinewe can subtract the1290 days from the 2300 days to arrive t 1010 days from the abomination to the cleansing. ie there are 2 years 10 months from when the antichrist demands worship until the ‘cleansing’, presumably at Armageddon.  When the 2 witnesses start to prophesy, for 1260 days (Rev 11:2 &3), it seems that we should notice their preaching 250+ days before the abomination.

This will also be the time when  the Antichrist commences his rule as the sole dictator, for 42 months. (rev 13:5). Following this point on the timeline, we seem to enter into the ‘great tribulation’ (Rev 13 v7 to 10), of which Jesus speaks about in Matthew 24 & Mark 13.

Similarly there may be a noticeable events associated with the Rev 12 ‘Woman’ (Rev 12:6 &14), when she flees into the wilderness.

3) How could a ‘DNA’-defilement be a fit with Dan 8, 11 and 12?

In the Old Testament temple prescriptions, meticulous attention was paid to cleanliness. All the temple instruments were to be washed and kept clean. This reflects God’s holiness. Even the priests needed to go through a cleansing process if they had sinned, our somehow defiled themselves. Antiochus defiled the temple by bringing foreign objects, idols and detestable ‘unclean’ items into the temple. He also performed blasphemous rites. This is abominable to God, who is Holy.

We as New Testament believers now consider our bodies as the dwelling place, the temple of God. Would a  defilement by insertions into our DNA not be abominations as well, inserting foreign objects in our temple? This is also abominable to God, who is Holy. There seems to be a possible fit with Daniel 11, should DNA insertions (by whatever method) be associated with current events.

Alternatively, an attempt to sterilize humanity by pharmaceuticals would also cause a desolation of humankind, through the ‘making barren’ of women. In this scenario the ‘taking away of the regular’ (Dan 8 and 12) would represent the taking away of our reproductive capacity by enforced sterilization.

4) References: The reference from Matt 24:15 are to three possible verses: (key words with Strong’s Hebrew word reference numbers added)

Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily 8548  sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination 8251 that maketh desolate 8074 set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Daniel 11:31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily 8548 sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination 8251 that maketh desolate 8o74.

Daniel 8:11-13 Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily8548 sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary 4720 was cast down. And an host was given him against the daily 8548 sacrifice by reason of transgression 6580, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered. Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily 8548 sacrifice, and the transgression 6588 of desolation 8074, to give both the sanctuary 6944 and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary 6044 be cleansed.6663

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