Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he comes and knocks, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. (Luke 12:35-37)
The best way to study Revelation is by reading and re-reading each chapter. As a brief refresher click 1a – SUMMARY of REVELATION.
Also have a look at a short course of 8 sessions:
Rev 1, 4, 5, 6, 7: THE LAMB, THE SEALS AND TRIBULATION LR Session 1
Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21: THE GATHERING OF THE SAVED LR Session 2
Rev 8, 9, 10, 11 & Other: WARNINGS, WRATH & WITNESSES LR Session 3
Rev 12, 13, 14, 15, Daniel: THE WOMAN, BEAST & HARVEST LR Session 4
Rev 16, 17, 18 ,19, Daniel: THE RISE & FALL OF BABYLON, LR Session 5
1 Cor 15, 1 Thess 4,5, 2 Thess 2, Other) PAUL, THE PROPHETS AND THE DAY OF THE LORD LR Session 8
Then ask yourself some questions. To assist the reader or study group with such questions the following sequence is suggested:
- Start with Revelation 1: Introduction
- Then study Matthew 24: What did Jesus say?
followed by:
- 1 and 2 Thessalonians: What does Paul say?
- Revelation 4 & 5 – The throne room and the Lamb.
- Revelation 6: The seven seals and a comparison with Matt 24.
- Revelation 7-11: Studies on the ‘Wrath of God”. (See chart )
- Revelation 12-16: Parallel sequence to Rev 7-11.(See chart )
- Revelation 17-22: Babylon, Millennium and the New Jerusalem
Further to this detailed study, Appendix J provides a visual representation of the above in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. It is a 5 session study commencing with Jesus’ end time sermons, and is intended to enlighten the Revelation study. Refer App J: End Times PowerPoint Presentation
Links to the study questions can be accessed by clicking on the links below:
1 – Matthew 24 (Mark 13, Luke 21) – Questions Final
2 – Matthew 24 (Visual) – Events
4 – Revelation 4 & 5 – Questions
9 – Revelation 8 & 9 – Questions
11 – Revelation 10 – Questions
12 – Revelation 11 – Questions
14 – Revelation 12 – Questions
17 – Revelation 13 – Questions
17 – Revelation 13 – Questions – Additional (Daniel)
18 – Revelation 14 – Questions
19 – Revelation 15 – Questions
20 – Revelation 16 – Questions
21 – Revelation 17 – Questions & Tables
22 – Revelation 18 – Questions
23 – Revelation 19 – Questions
24 – Revelation 20 – Questions
25 – Revelation 21 – Questions
1.0 Revelation 1 – Questions:
- v1 What is the book of Revelation about?
- Why did God give this vision (revelation) of Jesus Christ to John?
- Who are “God’s servants”? Read 1 Pet 1:1-2 and John 18:36
- For whom was the book of Revelation written?
- v2 How could John bare record of the word of God?
- What do you think is the testimony of Jesus Christ?
- How do you know that John received a vision?
- v3 According to Rev 1:3, when are we blessed? (Read Rev 22:7)
- Why do you think are we blessed if we do what this verse encourages us to do?
- How would you define “being blessed”?
- How can we “keep” (KJV) or “take to heart “ (NIV) what is written in this book?
- What does it mean when “the time is at hand”?
- v4-6
Who is Jesus in these verses? (v4,5)
“Jesus has made us kings and priests unto God”. Read Rev 5:10, Rev 20:6b
- What will the kings and priests do?
- Can you in anyway imagine that you also are and will be a king and priest ruling with Jesus?
- Read 1 Pet 2:9. How does this verse speak to you?
- v7 Verse 6 ends with “Amen” and verse 7 ends with “Amen”. Therefore this is a very important verse.
- What does Amen mean?
- How will Jesus come back?
Read 1 Thess 4:16-17, Mark 14:62, Mark 13:26-27, Matt 24:30-31, Acts 1:9-11, Luke 21:27-28, Rev 14:14-15
- Who will see Jesus? Is this a secret event?
- Why do you think will the people of the earth mourn? Read Rev 6:15-17
- v8 Who does Jesus say He is?
- What does Jesus mean when He says He is the ending?
- Verse 4 and Verse 8 both say “which is, and which was, and which is to come”. What do these words mean to you?
- v9: John says he is our “companion in tribulation”. Does this mean we will also experience tribulation? Read John 16:33, Acts 14:22, Rom 5:3, Rom 8:35, Rom 12:12, 2Cor 1:4, 2 Tim 3:11-12, Phil 1:29
- Why was John on the isle of Patmos?
- v10-16
- What do you think it means when John was in the Spirit? (v10)
- Who’s voice sounded like a trumpet? How do you think this sounded? (v10)
- What did Jesus instruct John to write in a book? (v11)
- He had to send the book to all the 7 churches. Why? (v11)
- What were the seven golden candlesticks? (v12) Read Rev 1:20 for the answer.
- What did Jesus look like? (v13-16)
- What were the seven stars in Jesus’ right hand? (v16) Read Rev 1:20 for the answer.
- What do you think is the sharp two-edged sword that came out of Jesus’ mouth? Read Rev 19:11-15, Heb 4:12
- v17-20
- What happened to John when he saw Jesus? Why? (v17)
- Why do you think Jesus laid His right hand on John? (v17)
- What did Jesus say to John? (v17-20)
- Jesus has the keys of hell and of death. What does this mean? (v18)
- John had to write things down. What were they? (v19)
- What is the meaning of “the things which shall be hereafter”? (v19)
In Summary:
- Has God spoken about the future?
- Do you think God wants us to know what will happen in the future?
- Can we then conclude that God has spoken about the end times?
- Does God want us to know about the end times?
- Do you think God wants us to understand Revelation? Do you think He wants to confuse us?
- We can be 100% sure that Jesus is coming back. Do you agree?
2.0 Matthew 24 (Mark 13 & Luke 21) – Questions:
- v3 What are the three questions the disciples are asking Jesus?
- Do you think that the answers that Jesus is going to give would apply only to the disciples or to all Christians? (also read Mark 13:37)
- v4-5 Jesus’ first statement in response to these questions is “Take heed that no man deceive you”. Why do you think does He say this? (v4)
- Is this warning also for us?
- What is deception? How can ‘many’ be deceived? (v5) (also read 1 Tim 4:1-3, 2 Tim 4:2-4)
- v6-8 What events are the beginning of sorrows?
- What do you think will the effect on mankind be when these things happen? (wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes)
- v9 Verse 9 starts with “Then”. What do you think “then” implies in verses 9, 10, 14, 16, 21, 23, 30, 40?
- Why does Jesus use “then” 9 times?
- Delivered up to tribulation, afflicted, killed are very strong words. Who will experience this?
- Who are the “they” Jesus is referring to? (v9)
- v10-12 Why do you think “many” will be offended? (v10)
- Who will betray and hate one another? (v10)
- What is a false prophet? (v11, Read Jer 23:16, Ez 13:9, 1 John 4:1-3, 2 Tim 4:1-4, Tit 1:9-16, Acts 20:28-30)
- What does it mean: “many false prophets will deceive many”? (v11)
- How would you define iniquity (lawlessness, wickedness)? (v12)
- How do you think iniquity can cause love to grow cold? (v12)
- v13 When Jesus says “the end”, do you think He means the end of the world or the end of one’s life?
- Do you think this verse refers to the salvation of a believer?
- Remembering what Jesus said in all the previous verses (v6-12), what do you think this verse could mean? (also refer to Matt 24:22)
- v14 After what event will “the end” come?
- Do you think everybody has access to the gospel today?
- v15-20 A very significant and important event or sign Jesus is referring to is the “abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet”.
- Also read Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31,36, Rev 13:14-15
- What do you think is the “abomination of desolation”?
- Verse 16 again starts with “Then”. Therefore after the abomination of desolation is set up, Christians in Jerusalem are instructed to flee into the mountains immediately. Why could this be? Also read Rev 13:7-8 & Rev 13:13-18
- What do you think Jesus means when He specifically mentions that it will be hard for pregnant women, women breastfeeding babies, if it is winter and the sabbath day?
- v21 Jesus then says that there will be a Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world and will never be again.
- Have you got any idea what makes this Tribulation ‘great’? (remember v 5-20)
- Rev 7:13-14 refers to the people coming out of the “Great Tribulation”.
- Also read Rev 7:9 about the multitude that came out of the Great Tribulation.
- v22 Jesus says for the elect’s sake these days will be shortened.
- Who are the elect? Also read Col 3:11-12, 1 Pet 1:1-2
- Why will these days be shortened?
- The implication of Jesus’ words is that the elect will go through the Great Tribulation. Do you agree?
- v23-25 Jesus says there will arise false Christs and false Prophets.
- Also read 1 John 2:18 & 1 John 2:22-23. Who is an antichrist?
- Read John 14:7, John 5:23. Can you believe in God the Father and not believe in the Son?
- How will the false prophets be able to show great signs and wonders? (Ex 7-8, Rev 13:11-15)
- Will they be able to deceive the elect?
- What has Jesus told us before? (v25)
- v26-28 Some people will say that Jesus is in the desert or in a secret chamber. Will Jesus come secretly? (v26)
- Will everyone see Jesus coming? (v27, Rev 1:7)
- Eagles gather where the carcase is. What has this to do with Jesus’ coming?
- v29-32 What cosmic disturbances will happen “immediately after the tribulation of those days”? (v29)
- What will happen just before Jesus will be seen coming in the clouds?
- Can we therefore conclude that Jesus is coming immediately after the tribulation?
- A trumpet will sound and the angels will gather the elect. If the elect are the saved is this then the rapture?
- Also read 1 Thess 4:16-17. How do these verses compare with Matt 24:30-31?
- What do you think will it look like if Jesus comes with power and great glory? (v30)
- Also read Rev 6:12-14. Is there any correlation between Matt 24:29 and the 6th seal?
- Why do you think will all the tribes of the earth mourn? (v30)
- What can we learn from the parable of the fig tree? (v32)
- v33-35 What does it mean when Jesus says “it is near, even at the doors”? (v33)
- How can “this generation not pass away till all these things are fulfilled”? (v34)
- Jesus ensures us that His words are powerful and everlasting. What does He say?
- v36-41 Jesus said that only His Father knew when Jesus is coming back. Do you think Jesus knows now when He will be coming back?
- What do you think does ‘that day and hour’ mean?
- Jesus compares the days of Noah with the days when Jesus will come back.
- Also read Gen 6:5 & 6:11. What similarities are there between these days?
- Did Noah know when the flood would come?
- Did Jesus perhaps mention this comparison as an encouragement to us?
- Do you think we will be able to discern the events leading up to Jesus’ 2nd coming?
- “2 in a field, 1 taken & 2 woman grinding the mill, 1 taken”. Is this the rapture?
- v42-44 Why does Jesus say “watch therefore (v42) and be ready (v44)”?
- In what way will we be able to discern the time of Jesus’ coming if we watch and are ready?
- What do you think it means to be ready?
- What signs and events that Jesus specified in this chapter will you be able to recognise?
- Jesus here says “you know not what hour and day (v36, 42)” and “an hour as you think not (v44)”. Will you be able to know the year?
- v45-51 When is a Christian a ‘faithful and wise servant’ in this context? (v45)
- When is this servant blessed? (v46)
- Jesus says “That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.” Can we apply this to ourselves by saying we will be made rulers in Jesus’ kingdom? (v47, Rev 20:4, Rev 21:7)
- Who is the evil servant in this context? (v48)
- Do you think this evil servant will be ready when his lord comes? Why not?
- Where will there be “weeping and gnashing of teeth”?
Additional Questions from Mark 13 and Luke 21:
Mark 13:11 & Luke 21:14-15
- When we are delivered up, we must not beforehand plan what we will say. Why not?
- What do you think does it mean that you will be given a “mouth and wisdom”?
- How does it encourage you that no-one shall be able to resist or respond to the Holy Spirit inspired words you will say? Mark 13:12
- Why do you think children will rise up against their parents and cause them to be put death? Luke 21:24
- Do you think Jerusalem is still trodden down by the Gentiles?
- Do you think the “the times of the Gentiles is already fulfilled”? Luke 17:28-32
- What did the people do in the days of Lot?
- What happened to Sodom?
- The day when the Son of Man is revealed is compared to the day Lot left Sodom. Why?
- Why must we remember Lot’s wife?
3.0 What did Paul say about Jesus’ 2nd Coming (1 & 2 Thessalonians)?
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
- v13-14 Who are those that are asleep?
- Why do you think the ‘brethren’ must not sorrow or grieve?
- Who are the ‘others’ that Paul is referring to and why do they have no hope? (Read 2 Cor 5:8, Phil 1:21-24, John 5:24-29)
- What does it mean to “sleep in Jesus”?
- If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, what can we be sure of regarding those that have died?
- v15-18 Who are those that “are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord”? (v15)
- What will happen to those that “are asleep”? (v15)
- Describe 4 features of the “coming of the Lord”. (v16-17)
- Who are the “dead in Christ”?
- What do you think does “caught up together….. in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air” refer to? Is this the rapture?
- Who will be caught up first? Does this passage say that Jesus will come down to the earth after meeting us in the clouds?
- What are the comparisons between Matt 24:30-31 and 1 Thess 4:16-17?
- With what words can we comfort each other? (v17-18)
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
- v1-3 What do you think are the “times and the seasons”?
- What is the “day of the Lord” that Paul is talking about? (v2, 1 Thess 4:15-17)
- For whom does the “day of the Lord” come as a thief? (v2-3)
- Why do you think would they experience peace and safety? (v3, Rev 13:16-17)
- From what will they not be able to escape?
- v4 What do you think does it mean if the brethren “are not in darkness, that that day should overtake them as a thief”?
- What “day” is Paul talking about?
- If we are “not in darkness”, does this imply we will know the “times and seasons” when Jesus is coming again?
- v5-8 What does it mean if we are “all the children of light”?
- How can we “watch and be sober”? (v8)
- In Matt 24, Jesus says we have to watch and be ready. Do you agree that Paul also warns us to be watchful and ready?
- When we watch, will we be able to know when Jesus’ coming is close?
- What do you think is the “breastplate of faith and love”?
- How can the “hope of salvation” be our helmet?
- V9-11 What do you think does it mean that “God has not appointed us to wrath”? (Col 3:4-6, Rom 5:9, Heb 10:30-31, 2 Pet 2:9, 2 Pet 3:7)
- Who do you think will experience the wrath of God?
- We obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us. What encouragement can you draw from the following: “whether we wake or sleep, we live together with Him”?
- Why do you think we need to comfort and edify each other?
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
- v1-2 What is Paul referring to when he says “by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering unto him”? (v1)
- Why do you think must we not be shaken or be alarmed? (v2)
- What is the “day of Christ? (v2)
- v3-4 About what day will men try and deceive us?
- What is “that day” Paul is speaking about?
- What will these men say about “that day”?
- What are the two things that will happen before “that day”?
- What do you think does “falling away” mean? Does Paul refer to believers or non-believers?
- Who do you think is the “man of sin” and “son of perdition”?
- What will the “son of perdition” do?
- Can we come to the conclusion that this could be the “abomination of desolation”?
4.0 Revelation 4 & 5: The Throne
- V1
- “After this I looked……..”. “After” what did John see a door open in heaven?
- Who is this voice that sounded like a trumpet? (Rev 1:10-16)
- What is this voice saying?
- What do you think does “hereafter (after this)” in this context mean? (Rev 1:19)
Do you think some of these things have happened already?
- In Rev 1:19, Jesus says to John that he had to write down the “things which he had seen, the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter”.
- In Revelation 2 & 3 Jesus gives a word to each of the 7 churches.
- Can we therefore conclude that the 7 churches are “the things which are”?
- v2-11
John “immediately was in the spirit”? What do you think does this mean? (v2)
- Who did John see?
- Discuss what the “throne of God in heaven” looks like.
- One sat on the throne, like a jasper and a sardine stone. (v3)
Who is sitting on the throne? Read Rev 3:21. Overcomers will sit with Jesus on His throne as Jesus is sitting on His Father’s throne. How does this verse speak to you?
A rainbow surrounds the throne and it looks like an emerald. (v3). 24 elders sitting on 24 seats, clothed in white robes, crowns of gold. (v4)
- Who are these 24 elders, what do you think ? (Tit 1:5-9)
Lightnings, thunderings and voices. (v5, Ex 19:16, Ex 20:18), there are 7 lamps of fire = 7 Spirits of God before the throne. (v5, Rev 1:4, Is 11:1), there is a sea of glass, like crystal. (v6, Rev 7:9 & 14-17, Rev 15:2): there are 4 beasts: lion, calf, face of man, flying eagle – full of eyes, 6 wings (v7-8)
- What are the 4 beasts continually saying? (v8)
- “They rest not day and night…” What does this mean? (v8)
- What are the 24 elders doing and what are they saying? (v10-11)
- God is three Persons in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Can you “see” the Trinity in this chapter? (1 John 5:7)
- The heavenly beings (beasts & elders) use words like “Holy, worship, give glory, give honour, give thanks”.
- Does v8b and v11 encourage you to worship and praise God?
- Who created all things? (Eph 3:9, Col 1:12-16, John 1:1-3)
5.0 Revelation 5 – Questions:
- v1 Who had the book (or scroll) in His right hand?
- What do you think is written in the book (or scroll)? (Rev 4:1)
- v2-5 “No man in heaven, in the earth or under the earth was able to open or to read or look at the book (scroll)”. (Phil 2:9-11)
- Did this book look awe-inspiring or scary perhaps?
- Who are the men in heaven?
- Who do you think are those “under the earth”?
Why did John weep? Was he sad about the unopened book or the “unworthy” men?
- Why was Jesus worthy to open the book/scroll and loose the seals?
- Why do you think is Jesus here referred to as the “Lion of the tribe of Juda”? (Gen 49:1,8-12)
- Why do you think is Jesus here referred to as the “Root of David”? (Matt 1:1-16, Rom 1:3-4, Rev 22:16)
- What are the characteristics of a lion?
- Why symbolism and where else does God use symbolism in the Bible?
- v6-7
- Who “came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne”?
- Why do you think is Jesus represented here as the “Lamb that was slain”? (1 Cor 5:7-8)
- What are the characteristics of a lamb that apply to Jesus?
- v8-10
- The 24 elders each have a harp and a golden vial. What are in the vials? (v8)
- Does this mean all our/my prayers are kept in these vials? (v8, 1 John 5:14-15)
- What new song did the beasts and elders sing?
- Because of what Jesus has done, we are made kings and priests unto God and we shall reign on the earth. (Rev 20:6, 1 Pet 2:9)
- When do you think shall we reign on earth?
- How does this speak to you?
- v11-12
- Where are the angels? (v11)
- How many angels are there? (v11)
- What are the angels saying? (v12)
- Why do you think Jesus’ worthiness is emphasized so often?
- v13-14
- Every “creature” is now worshiping God. (v13) Who do you think are these “creatures”? Will this include us?
- What are all these “creatures” saying? (v13)
- Can you picture the following: “24 elders fall down” (Rev 4:10), “the 4 beasts and 24 elders fell down” (Rev 5:8) and “the 24 elders fell down” (v14). How does this speak to you?
6.0 Revelation 6: The six seals
Refer to Xchart-c for an overview.
- Who opens the seals?
- V 1-2 (1st Seal)
- What did John see when the 1st Seal was opened?
- The rider on the white horse had a bow and a crown was given to him. Who do you think is the rider on the white horse?
- What do you think does it mean when the rider went “forth conquering, and to conquer”?
- Jesus is also seen on a white horse in Rev 19:11-16.
- What are the differences between the rider on the white horse of the 1st Seal in Rev 6:1-2 and Jesus on a white horse in Rev 19:11-16?
- V 3-4 (2nd Seal)
- What did John see when the 2nd Seal was opened?
- What do you think does it mean when “peace is taken from the earth” and “they should kill one another”? Do you agree this could be worldwide war?
Read Matt 24:6-7. Is there a possible similarity between what Jesus said in Matt 24:6-7 and the 2nd seal in Rev 6:4?
- V 5-6 (3rd Seal)
- What did John see when the 3rd Seal was opened?
- In v6, a voice says that a “measure of wheat” & “three measures of barley” each cost a penny. Read Matt 20:1-2. How much was a penny in those days?
- Do you agree therefore that wheat and barley in this context is very expensive? Why could this be?
- What do you think could it mean “not to hurt the oil and the wine”?
Read Matt 24:7 again. Is there a possible similarity between what Jesus said in Matt 24:7 and the 3rd seal in Rev 6:6?
- V 7-8 (4th Seal)
- What did John see when the 4th seal was opened?
- What do you think is the implication of: “to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth”?
- Why do you think is Hell following Death?
- “Power was given unto them (Death & Hell) over fourth part of the earth, to kill ……..”. Can we therefore conclude that a ¼ of the earth will or could die?
- Who is responsible for this disaster (death of the ¼ part of the earth)? God or man?
Read Matt 24:7 again. Jesus says there will be wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes.
- Can we conclude that the result of all these things happening will cause much death on this earth?
- Do you therefore agree that there is a possible similarity between what Jesus said in Matt 24:7 and the 4th seal in Rev 6:8?
- V 9-11 (5th Seal)
- What did John see when the 5th seal was opened?
- John saw souls under the altar. Why are they there? What is the reason for their earthly death?
- What are they saying?
- Why should those on the earth be “judged and avenged for their blood”? (Matt 24:9-12, Matt 5:10-11) Does this mean God has not started judging the earth yet?
- Each soul gets a white robe and they are told to wait for a little season. Why do they have to wait?
- Who are their brethren and how will they be killed?
Read Matt 24:9. Do you agree that there is a similarity between what Jesus said in Matt 24:9 and the 5th seal in Rev 6:9-10?
- If there are souls in heaven …. does this confirm Paul’s words in 2 Cor 5:8 “….. to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”? (John 11:25-26, John 8:51 & 52b, John 5:24, John 14:1-3, Matt 10:28, Phil 1:21-23)
- Those that have been martyred seem to have a special place in heaven. Where are they? Where do you think are the other souls?
- V 12-17 (6th Seal)
- What did John see when the 6th seal was opened?
Read Matt 24:29-32. Is there a similarity between what Jesus said in Matt 24:29-30 and the 6th seal in Rev 6:12-16?
- The description of the cosmic events in the 6th seal is worded slightly differently than Matt 24:29-30 as follows:
Rev 6:12-16 | Matt 24:29-30 | |
Great earthquake | ||
Sun became black as sackcloth of hair | <-> | The sun shall be darkened |
Moon became as blood | <-> | Moon shall not give her light |
Stars of heaven fell unto the earth | <-> | Stars shall fall from heaven |
Heaven departed as a scroll, rolled together | <-> | Powers of the heavens shall be shaken |
Every mountain and island moved out of their places | ||
Men hid themselves, said rocks fall on them and hide from One who sat on throne | <-> | Tribes of earth mourn |
Can we conclude that the 6th seal matches the signs of Jesus’ 2nd coming in the clouds and the gathering of the elect/the rapture?
- The fig tree is mentioned both in Matt 24:32 and the 6th seal in Rev 6:13. Do you think there is some significance in this?
- Who wants to hide in dens and in the rocks of the mountains?
- From whom do they want to hide and why?
- Does this relate to all the tribes of the earth mourning in Matt 24:30?
“The great day of His wrath is come”. What day is this? (Is 13:6-13)
- Does this mean everything up to know was not God’s wrath?
- Who will experience the wrath of God? (2 Pet 2:9, 2 Pet 3:7, Col 3:5-6, Acts 17:31)
- Why will the saved not experience God’s wrath? (1 Thess 5:9, 1 Thess 1:10, Rom 5:9)
- Going back to the 1st Seal and keeping in mind what we have learnt from the similarities of seals 2 to 6 and Matt 24:
- Can you think of a possible similarity between what Jesus said in Matt 24:5 and the 1st seal in Rev 6:2
- Does John’s words in 1 John 2:18 agree with what Jesus said in Matt 24:5?
- Who is an antichrist? (1 John 2:22-23, 1 John 4:2-3)
Read Rev 7:9-10 and Rev 7:13-14.
- In Rev 7 there is a multitude in heaven that came out of the great tribulation.
- Rev 7:1 starts with “And after these things” and Rev 7:9 starts with “After this ……”.
Can these verses therefore possibly confirm that the 2nd coming of Jesus and the rapture occurred in Revelation 6?
7.0 Revelation 7: The 144 000 & The Multitude in heaven
- V1
V1 starts with “And after these things …….”.
- “After” what events did John see the 4 angels?
- What are the 4 angels doing?
- How can the earth have 4 corners? (Is 40:22, Lev 19:27, Neh 9:21-22)
- Why do you think do they have to hold the 4 ‘winds’ of the earth? (answer in v2b)
- V2-3
Another angel ascended from the east. What does he have with him?
- What do you think is the purpose of “the seal of the living God”? (Rev 9:4, Ez 9:4-6)
- According to v2, what are the 4 angels who are holding the 4 winds of the earth going to do?
- Why would they hurt the earth? (Rev 6:17)
- For what must the 4 angels wait before they hurt the earth and sea and trees? (v3)
- V4-8
- How many servants of God were sealed?
- What is the purpose of ‘sealing’ the servants of God? (Ez 9:4-6, Rev 9:4)
Compare Rev 6:5-8 with Gen 49:1-28
Rev 6:5-8 | Gen 49 |
Juda (v5) | Judah (v8-12) |
Reuben (v5) | Reuben (v3-4) |
Gad (v5) | Gad (v19) |
Aser (v6) | Asher (v20) |
Nepthalim (v6) | Naphtali (v21) |
Manasses (v6) | Dan (v16-18) |
Simeon (v7) | Simeon (v5-7) |
Levi (v7) | Levi (v5-7) |
Issachar (v7) | Issachar (v14-15) |
Zabulon (v8) | Zebulun (v13) |
Joseph (v8) | Joseph (v22-26) |
Benjamin (v8) | Benjamin (v27) |
- Do you notice the similarities and differences?
- What do you think happened with the tribe of Dan?
- Why then was the tribe of Manasses chosen?
- V9-14 “After this ……. John sees a great MULTITUDE in heaven”.
- Who are they (the multitude)? (v9)
- What are they doing? (v9)
- How are they clothed and what do they have in their hands?
- Where did they come from? (v13-14)
- What are they saying? (v10)
- What do you think they mean when they say “Salvation to our God……”? (Is 12)
- What are the angels doing? (v11)
Read and compare Rev 7:12 and Rev 5:12.
Rev 7:12 | Rev 5:12 |
The angels are saying: | The angels, beasts and elders are saying: |
Blessing | Blessing |
Glory | Glory |
Wisdom | Wisdom |
Thanksgiving | Riches |
Honour | Honour |
Power | Power |
Might | Strength |
Can you define (or ‘imagine’) the deeper meanings of these words in terms of praising and worshiping God?
- V13-14 “Those that came out of the great tribulation.”
Read Matt 24:15-31 and 1 Thess 4:13-18
- What is the great tribulation?
- According to Matt 24:29-31, when will Jesus be coming in the clouds?
- Do you think the multitude before the throne includes all believers throughout all ages? (Rev 15:2)
- What do you think does it mean “they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb”? How can they “wash their robes”?
- V15-17 Multitude before the throne
- V15 says “they serve Him day and night in His temple”? (v15)
- What do you think does it mean to serve God day and night in His temple?
- Is this a literal “day and night?
- Is there ‘day and night’ in heaven? (Rev 4:8, Rev 12:10)
Read Rev 21:1-3, v25, Rev 22:5. What place shall there be no night?
- V15 says “God will dwell among them” (Gen 3:8). Can you imagine us dwelling with God in heaven?
- V16 says “They will hunger no more, neither thirst anymore”.
- Does this imply that they were hungry and thirsty before they believed in Jesus?
- Is this a physical hunger and thirst? (John 6:35)
- V16 says “neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat”.
- What do you think does it mean that “the sun will not light on them, nor any heat”?
Read Rev 21:1-3, v23, Rev 22:5. What place shall there be no sun? Why?
- V17 says “The Lamb shall feed them and lead them unto living fountains of waters.”
- What ‘food’ will we eat and what ‘water’ will we drink? (John 6:63b, John 6:48-54, Luke 4:4)
- What do you think does it mean that the Lamb will lead us unto living fountains of waters? (John 4:13-14, Is 12:2-3, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:17).
Read John 7:37-39. What do you think is the difference between ‘drinking living water’ (John 4:13-14) and ‘rivers of living water flowing out of the belly’ (John 7:37-39)?
- V17 says “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes”.
- How does this make you feel?
- Read Rev 21:1-4. What place will there be no sorrow, no crying and no more pain?
8.0 Revelation 8: The seventh seal & Trumpets 1-4
Refer to Xchart-c for an overview.
- v1-2
What seal is opened? (v1)
- Why do you think there is half an hour silence in heaven? (Rev 6:17)
- What did John see when the 7th seal is opened? (v2)
- Where are the angels? What are they doing?
- What do you think the 7 trumpets represent?
- V3-5 (‘another angel’)
What does the angel have in his hand and where is he standing? (v3)
- What is in the golden censer? (v3)
- What does the angel do with the golden censer? (v3-5)
- What do you think does it mean when the ‘fire from the altar is cast to the earth’? (v5)
Read Luke 17:24-30. What do you think does Jesus mean when He says “Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed”?
Read Gen 6:11-13, v17. Why did God cause the flood?
Read 2 Pet 3:7. “The heavens and the earth, which are now ……. reserved unto fire …..” .
- Why do you think is the current heavens and the earth reserved for fire?
- How many “heavens” are there? (Gen 1:1, 2 Cor 12:2-4, Gen 1:14-18, Gen 1:20, Gen 2:4)
- Does this mean that there will be a new heaven and earth? (Rev 21:1)
- V6.
What are the 7 angels going to do?
- Read Num 10:9a. With what is the blowing of trumpets associated in this verse?
- V7 – 1st Trumpet
What was cast upon the earth?
- What happened to the trees and the grass?
- V8-9 – 2nd Trumpet
What was cast into the sea?
- What happened to the sea?
- What happened to the sea creatures and the ships?
- V10-11 – 3rd Trumpet
What fell upon a third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters?
- What happened to the water of these rivers?
- What is the name of the star?
- Do you think there is any significance in the name of the star? (Deut 29:18, Jer 9:15, Jer 23:15)
- Why do men die if they drink of the contaminated water?
- V12 – 4th Trumpet
What happened to a third part of the sun, the moon and the stars?
- In our perspective how will the days and nights be affected?
- V13
What do you think does it mean when the angel is saying “woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitants of the earth ……..”?
- Do you think these 3 ‘woes’ apply to each of the 3 trumpets (5th, 6th and 7th) that have not sounded yet?
9.0 Revelation 9: Trumpets 5 & 6
Refer to Xchart-c for an overview.
- V1-11 –>The 5th Trumpet
What was given to the star that fell from heaven? (v1)
- What/who do you think is “the star”? (v1, v11)
- What is the angel’s (the star) name? (v11)
Read Rev 20:1-3. Do you think the angel of Rev 9:1 is the same angel that casts Satan in the bottomless pit in Rev 20:1-3?
- What happened when the “bottomless pit” was opened? (v2)
- Who is “king” over these locusts? (v11)
- What is your understanding of the power that was given to the “locusts that came out of the bottomless pit”? (v3)
- What commands/instructions were given to these locusts? (v4-5)
- Who do you think are those men that have the “seal of God in their foreheads”? (Rev 7:3-4)
- Is God tormenting man with these locusts?
- How long will these locusts torment men? (v5, 10)
- Why do you think does it say “in those days shall men seek death” and “shall desire to die”? (v6)
- What do you think does it mean when “death shall flee from them”? (v6)
- What did these locusts look like? (v7-10)
- V12-19 -> The 6th Trumpet
How many woes are left? (v12)
- What was the 6th angel told to do after the trumpet sounded? (v14)
Read Gen 2:14 and Gen 3:22-24.
- Do you think it is possible that the 4 angels that are bound in the great river Euphrates could be the Cherubims protecting the garden of Eden in Gen 3:24?
- How many men will be killed? (v15, v18)
- How big is the army of horsemen? (v16)
- What do the horsemen look like? (v17-19)
- How do they kill? (v18-19)
- V20-21
Why do the men that were not killed by the first 6 trumpets still not repent?
- “The rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not”. Do you agree that these plagues are the wrath of God? (Rev 15:1, Rev 16:9)
- How would you define “plagues” in this context?
- What are these men’s sins? (v20-21)
Read Rev 22:18-19.
- What stern warning is God giving to any man who adds or takes away words from God’s book?
- Do you think the plagues that God is referring to in v18, are the plagues in the 7 trumpets (and 7 vials)?
- Do you think this only applies to the book of Revelation or the whole Bible?
Review the 10 plagues in Ex 7 to 12. Are there any comparisons between the ‘trumpet judgements’ and the plagues?
REVELATION 10: 7 Thunders & John eating the book
1. V1-3
a) John sees another mighty angel coming down from heaven. What does this magnificent and huge angel look like? (v1-2)
b) Why do you think is the book in the angel’s hand open? (v2)
c) What does the angel’s voice sound like? (v3)
d) What do you think is he saying? (v3)
e) When did “the seven thunders utter their voices? (Rev 9:13)
2. V4
a) Did John hear what these 7 thunders are about? (v3-4)
b) Was John allowed to write down what these thunders were? (v4)
c) God has given us so much information throughout the book of Revelation. Why do you think does He withhold the 7 thunders from us?
3. V5-7
a) What announcement does the angel make in verse 6?
b) Do you agree that “there should be time no longer” means “no time remaining, until the mystery of God is finished”? (v6b-7)
c) Examine the following scripture verses: Rev 10:6b-7, Rev 11:15 and Rev 16:17.
- Rev 10:6b (7 Thunders mighty angel) ……. that there should be time no longer:
- Rev 10:7 (7th Trumpet voice)But in the days of the voice of the sound of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets.
- Rev 11:15 (7th Trumpet sound) And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.
- Rev 16:17 (7th Vial) And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
I. What do you think is the significance of “time no longer” ,“be finished” ,“it is done”?
II. Are these 4 verses therefore referring to the same pivotal climax?
III. Is this perhaps like a grand finale?
IV. Rev 11:15 “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.”
What does this verse mean?
V. Read Eph 1:9-12.
What is the ‘mystery of His will’ in Eph 1:9-10?
Do you agree that “He might gather together in one all things in Christ” comes to pass in Rev 11:15?
Is it therefore possible that ‘the mystery of God’ in Rev 10:7 resembles the ‘mystery of His will’ in Eph 1:9-10?
4. V8-11
a) What did the angel tell John to do with the book? (v8-9)
b) What was John’s physical experience when he ate the book? (v9-10)
c) Why do you think was it “sweet in the mouth” and “bitter in the belly”? (v10)
d) Read Ezekiel 2 to 3:5
i. What was written in the book that was given to Ezekiel?
ii. What was God’s instruction to Ezekiel?
e) How would John “prophesy again to many people, nations, tongues and kings”? (v11)
Revelation 11: The Two witnesses & the 7th Trumpet.
- V1-2
Where is the temple? (Rev 14:14-18, Rev 15:5-8, Rev 16:1)
b) Why do you think did John measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein? Is this a physical or symbolic temple?
c) Why do you think is the outer court not measured?
d) What do you think does it mean that “the Gentiles shall tread the holy city under foot for 42 months”? What happens to the holy city after the 42 months? (Rev 11:13-19, Rev 16:17-21)e)
e) Read Luke 21:20-24, Zech 14:1-3.
- i. What do you think is Jesus saying with “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled” in Luke 21:24b?
- ii. Do you think Jerusalem is currently trodden down by the Gentiles?
- iii. Does Luke 21:24b agree or relate with Rev 11:2 (“the Gentiles shall tread the holy city under foot for 42 months”)?
- iv. Do you think Luke 21:24b and Rom 11:25 agree or relate?
f) Matt 24:15-20 is a parallel passage to Luke 21:20-24. Can we therefore conclude that the start of the 42 months would be when the abomination of desolation occurs?
g) What will happen to the Jews at the end of the 42 months? (Rom 9:6, Rom 11:25-27, Rom 11:5-7, Rom 10:12-13, Col 3:10-11, Gal 3:28-29, Gal 3:16)
- V3-6
a) When do you think will the two witnesses start their “ministry”?
b) The two witnesses receive power to prophesy. What do you think will they say? (v3)
c) Is there any significance in them wearing sackcloth? (v3, Is 22:12, Is 37:1, Dan 9:3, Jonah 3:5- 8)
d) Read Zech 4:11-14. Do you think the “two olive trees and the two candlesticks” in Rev 11:4 resemble the two olive trees in the two candlesticks in Zech 4:11-14? (v4)
e) What will happen to a man that tries to hurt the two witnesses? (v5) 2
f) Compare the supernatural powers and “ascension” of the two witnesses with Moses and Elijah as listed below
Moses |
Elijah |
Deut 34:5-7. God buried Moses. No one knows where his grave is up to this day. Good eye sight, strength and vigour in old age. |
2 Kings 2:11. Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind into heaven. |
Jude 9. Something significant about the body of Moses. |
Jam 5:17 and 1 Kings 17:1. Prayed that it might not rain. Rained not for 3½ years |
Ex 7:20 Water in the river turned into blood and plagues in Egypt. |
- i) Do you think that there is a possibility that the two witnesses could be Moses and Elijah?
- ii) Read Matt 16:28 to 17:1-8 (Mark 9:1-8, Luke 9:27-36). Do you think there is any significance in the appearing of Moses and Elijah with Jesus at the transfiguration on the mount?
a) When will the two witnesses have finished their testimony? How long do they preach? (Rev 11:3)
b) Who do you think is the beast that arises from the bottomless pit that will kill the two witnesses? (v7, Rev 13:1-3,12, Rev 17:8)
c) The dead bodies of the two witnesses will lie in the street of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. Why do you think will the two witnesses not be buried? (v9)
d) What do you think does it mean that Jerusalem is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt? (v8, 1 Thess 2:13-16, 1 John 2:22-23, 2 John 7:11, John 8:31-45, Jude 7, Deut 5:6-9)
e) Why do you think will the “peoples, kindreds, tongues and nations” rejoice over the death of these two prophets? (v9-10)
f) These witnesses are also called prophets. How is their witnessing prophetic?
- v11-14
a) What happened to the two witnesses after 3½ days? (v11-12)
b) What do you think was the reaction of “the enemies that beheld them”? (v11-12)
c) What happened at the same hour that the two witnesses ascended to heaven? (v13) 3
d) Who are the remnant and why did they give glory to God? (v13)
e) This completes the second woe. What events start the second woe? (v14, Rev 9:12-21)
- V15-18
a) When the 7th Trumpet sounded the great voices in heaven were saying: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.” What do you think does “the kingdoms of the world becoming Jesus’ kingdom” mean?
b) What was the 24 elders’ response to the “kingdoms of the world becoming Jesus’ kingdom”?
c) Why do you think were the nations angry?
d) “thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged”(v18) How do you think does “the dead” and “should be judged” fit in this context?
e) Who will be rewarded? (Rev 22:12, 1 Cor 3:8-15)
- V19
a) Do you think there is any significance to the temple of God being opened in heaven? “the ark of God’s testament” being seen when the “temple of God in heaven” was opened?
b) “lightnings, voices, thunderings, an earthquake and great hail” Do you think the 7th trumpet, the 7th vial and the 7th thunder occur at the same time? (Rev 16:18,21, Rev 10:6-7)
7. Timing of the physical kingdom of God:
a) When will believers inherit the kingdom of God? (John 18:36, John 15:18-19, Matt 25:31-34, Dan 7:22,27, 2 Tim 4:1, 2 Pet 1:10-11)
b) Who does the kingdoms of the world currently belong to? (Matt 4:8-10)
c) What do you think is the meaning of us being “translated into the kingdom of his dear Son”? (Col 1:13-14)
d) What do you think is the meaning of us praying “thy kingdom come”? (Matt 6:10, Luke 11:2)
REVELATION 12: The Woman flees to the wilderness
- It is difficult to take this chapter literally and therefore we will have an allegorical/ symbolic approach. What do you think are the main differences between a literal or symbolical interpretation?
- V1-5 (the woman with child)
- There appeared two wonders in heaven. What are these wonders and who do you think they represent? (v1,3)
- Do you think there is any significance to the woman being “clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”? (v1)
- Who do you think is the woman “being with child”? (v2)
Read Is 14:12-18, Ez 28 *****, Luke 10:18
- Who is the red dragon and how many angels were cast down to the earth with him? (Rev 12:3-4)
- Why was Satan cast out of heaven?
- When do you think did Jesus see Satan falling from heaven?
Read Matt 2:1-20
- Why were the wise men warned by God in a dream? (Matt 2:12-13,20)
- What did Herod do when he saw that the wise men mocked him? (Matt 2:16)
- Do you think there is a link between Rev 12:4b and what we read about Herod in Matt 2:1-20?
- The woman “brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron”. Who is this man child? (Ps 2:7-9, Is 9:6-7, Rev 19:15)
- The woman’s “child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” Is this where Jesus is now? (Mark 16:19, Luke 22:66-70, 1 Pet 3:22)
- V6 (the woman who fled into the wilderness)
- Who do you think is the woman that flees into the wilderness?
- Where do you think is this wilderness?
- What does it mean that there is a place prepared for her by God?
- For how many days will she be in the wilderness?
- Do you think Satan currently has access to heaven? (Job 1:6, 2 Cron 18:18-21, Rev 12:10)
- Describe the war in heaven and what is the outcome there of. (v7-9)
- What are the four names used for Satan? (v9)
- What do you think is the meaning of the loud voice in heaven saying “Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ”? (v10)
- How can we be an overcomer according to verse 11?
- Why is there rejoicing in heaven and warning to those that inhabit the earth? (v12)
- V13-16
- Who do you think is the woman persecuted by the dragon in this context? (v13)
- The woman is “given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place”. Where is this wilderness?
- For how long will she be nourished in the wilderness?
- “The serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman”. How do you understand this act and what are the consequences there of? (v15-16)
- V17
- Who do you think is “the remnant of the seed” of the woman? (Rev 13:7)
- Who are those that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ?
Read Gen 3:14-15 “….I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed….”
- Who is the serpent’s seed?
- Who is the woman’s seed?
- What is the meaning of “enmity”?
REVELATION 13: The Beast from the Earth (antichrist) and the Sea (false prophet)
- V1-2 What does the beast rising out of the sea look like? (V1-2)
Review the following passages in Daniel and examine Table 1 and the summarized table below:
(click rev13b)
- Dan 2:26-36 -> Dream of Nebuchadnezzar (by Daniel) – Great image
- Dan 2:36-45 -> Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (by Daniel)
- Dan 7:1-15 -> Dream of Daniel – 4 great beasts that came out of the sea
- The beast that John saw rising out of the sea was like a leopard, his feet were like a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion.
- Can you see any comparisons between the beast in Revelation 13 and the 4 beasts that Daniel saw in his dream (Dan 7:1-15)? (v2)
- How would you explain these similarities?
- What do you think does it mean when “the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority”? (v2)
Compare the “Beast” in Revelation 13 with the “4th Beast” in Daniel 7 in the table below:
(click Rev13a)
- What do you think does it mean when it says “One of his heads were wounded to death”? (Rev 11:7, Rev 17:8, Rev 13:12, 14)
- From what verse is it evident that the beast will rule over all the earth?
- For how long will the beast have power over the saints?
- Do you think he will have power over the saints for this whole period or only part of this period? (Matt 24:22)
- Do any of the verses in Revelation 13:1-8 and Daniel 7 resemble 2 Thess 2:1-4?
Do you agree that the “Beast” represents 2 things as follows?
- A kingdom (worldwide kingdom) – 7 heads and 10 horns
- A man who is the head of that kingdom (the Antichrist) – “One head” & “a little horn”
- V8-10: When are the names of the saved written “into the book of life” or “have they been there from the foundation of the world”? (v8b, Ex 32:32-33, Rev 17:8)
- What do you think is the meaning of “If any man have an ear, let him hear”? (v9)
- Where else in Revelation is this statement used?
- What is the “patience and the faith of the saints” in this context? (v10)
- V11-18: Describe the beast that comes out of the earth. (v11)
- Why do you think does this beast have “two horns like a lamb”? (v11)
Consider the following characteristics of the beast from the earth:
“He causes man on the earth to worship the first beast”. (v12)
- How do you think this can be possible?
“He does great wonders”. (v13)
- What wonders or miracles is he able to do? (v13)
- Who does he deceive with these miracles? (v14)
- What power does he use to do these wonders? (v12)
“He instructs man to make an image of the beast.” (v14)
- What do you think does the image look like?
- Why is this image set up? *********
“He causes all to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” (v16)
- Who receives the mark of the beast? (v16)
- Do you think we will be able to see this mark?
- What happens if you do not have the mark of the beast? (v17)
- What do you think does the mark of the beast look like? (v17-18)
- What do you think does it mean when v18 says “Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast.”?
- Do you think we will be able to count or calculate or figure out what the mark of the beast is?
Read Rev 19:20.
- Who is the beast that comes out of the earth?
- When and with whom is the false prophet cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone? (Rev 19)
REVELATION 14: The 144 000, 3 flying angels & the 2 sickles.
- V1-5 – The 144,000. Who is standing on mount Sion and who is with Him? (v1)
- Where do you think is mount Sion in this context? (v1, Heb 12:22-23)
- Why do the 144,000 have the Father’s name written in their foreheads? (v1, Rev 7:1-4)
- What did John hear and what was so unique about this song? (v2-3)
- Where are the 144,000 and where did they come from? (v3-5)
- What are the characteristics of the 144,000? (v4-5)
- What do you think is the meaning of “These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb”?
- V6-11
Then John sees 3 angels flying in heaven each bringing a message.
- What are each of these angels saying: the first (v6-7), the second angel following (v8) and the third angel following (v9-11)?
- Who is going to preach the everlasting gospel and to whom? (v6)
- Why do you think the gospel needs to be preached at this time?
- What do you think does it mean when it says “the hour of his judgement is come”? (v7, Rev 6:17, Rev 14:19, Rev 15:1)
- When is Babylon going to fall and why? (v8, Rev 16:17-19)
- What are the consequences of a person worshipping the beast and his image and receiving his mark in his forehead or in his hand? (v9-11)
- What are the characteristics of the lake of fire and brimstone in verses 10 to 11?
- V12-13
Considering the messages of the 2nd and the 3rd angels, why does verse 12 say “Here is the patience of the saints”? (v12)
- Who are the saints? (v12)
- “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth:” (v13)
- When do you think are they going to die and why?
- Why would they rest from their labours?
- What “works” do you think will follow them?
- V14-20
Next John sees a white cloud. Describe what he sees. (v14)
- Why does the Son of Man have a sharp sickle in His hand? (v14-15)
- When do you think will the harvest of the earth be ripe? (v15)
- How many reapings are there in verses 16 to 19? Who does the reaping and what are they?
- Is the reaping of the believers literal or figurative? Is the reaping of the believers the rapture?
- Is the reaping of the unbelievers literal or figurative?
- What will happen to the unbelievers (“clusters of the vine of the earth”) when they are reaped? (v18-20)
Read Matt 13:24-30 and Matt 13:37-43
- Who sows the good seed and who are the good seed? (v37-38)
- Who are the tares? (v38)
- “The harvest is the end of the world”. When do you think is the “end of the world” in this context?
- What will happen to the tares at the end of the world? (v40-42)
- “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father”. When do you think does this verse come to pass? (Rev 21:1-4)
- Describe what the “great winepress of the wrath of God” looks like. Do you agree that this is a symbolic picture of the fierceness of the wrath of God? Why?
REVELATION 15: Song of Moses & the Song of the Lamb.
- V1-2
What great and marvellous sign did John see next? (v1)
- Who is standing on the “sea of glass”? (v2)
- Read Rev 4:6a. Where is the “sea of glass”?
- Why do you think does it say the multitude had victory over the beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name? (v2)
- V3-4
What are the 2 songs that the multitude standing on the sea of glass are singing? (v3)
The SONG OF MOSES: (2b to 2e)
- When will the song of Moses be sung? (v7, Rev 16:1)
- Do you think the song of Moses will be about the judgement and wrath of God?
Read Deut 31:27-30
- What is Moses saying about the Israelites while he is still “alive”?
- What does Moses say will happen to the Israelites after his death?
- What will happen to the Israelites in the “latter days”?
- How will the Israelites provoke God’s anger?
- What do you think does it mean when Moses says “the work of their hands”?
Read Deut 32:1-47
- Who must listen to the words of this song? (Deut 32:1)
- What do you think is the meaning of “my doctrine” and “my speech” in this context? (Deut 32:2)
- What characteristics of God is praised and exalted in Deut 32:3-4?
- What is Deut 32:5 saying about the Israelites?
- In what ways has God blessed Israel? (Deut 32:6-14)
- Jeshurun is another name for Israel. How have the children of Israel rebelled against God? (Deut 32:15-18, 32-33)
- What was God’s reaction to Israel’s rebellion? (Deut 32:19-43)
Read Rom 10:18 to Rom 11:8
- What do you think is the meaning of “I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people” (Deut 32:21, Rom 10:19)?
- Did God cast away His people? (Rom 11:1)
- Do you agree that the children of Israel who did not believe on Jesus Christ were rejected from being God’s people?
- Do you agree that only the believing remnant is still God’s people?
- How will God pour out His wrath and judgement on unbelieving Israel and the unbelieving world? (Deut 32:22-43)
- Can you see some of the specific trumpets and vials of God’s wrath in these verses? (Rev 8, 9, 16)
- What is the “latter end” in Deut 32:29 referring to?
“To me belongs vengeance and recompense” (Deut 32:35), “For the LORD shall judge his people” (Deut 32:36) and “I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me” (Deut 32:41) are words in the Song of Moses that the multitude before the throne of God are singing. (Heb 10:30-31)
- How would you interpret the severity of these words?
- When will God take vengeance?
- The last words of the song of Moses are: “Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people.”
Do you think we should be upset about God pouring out His wrath in the 7 vials and the 7 trumpets? (Ps 58:10-11)
- Read Rev 6:9-11. Do the words spoken by the souls under the altar in the 5th seal match the last words in the Song of Moses in Deut 32:43?
The SONG OF THE LAMB: (2f to 2j)
- What is the song of the Lamb about? (v3-4)
- What do you think is the meaning of “just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints” in this context? (v3)
- Do you think it is necessary for God’s judgement to be there? Why? (v4)
- “all nations shall come and worship before thee”. When will this be? (v4)
- How and when will “thy judgements are made manifest”? (v4)
- V5
- Read Ex 25:9, Ex 25:40, Heb 8:5. What do these verses say about the tabernacle that Moses built?
- “the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened”. Are we therefore able to know or imagine what the tabernacle in heaven looks like? (Ex 25)
- Read Heb 9 and in particular Heb 9:11-15 and Heb 9:22-28. Do these verse confirm that there is a tabernacle in heaven?
- V6-8
Where did the 7 angels with the 7 plagues come from? (v6)
- One of the 4 beasts gave each of the angels a golden vial. What were in these golden vials? (v7)
- “the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power” (v8)
- Does this in anyway remind you of times in the Old Testament?
- How was God’s glory manifested in the Old Testament?
- Why do you think would God be glorified by the 7 vials of God’s wrath to be poured out?
“no man was able to enter into the temple, till the 7 plagues of the 7 angels were fulfilled.” Do you agree that from this verse we can conclude that man was otherwise able to enter the temple in heaven?
Further chapters are as per links below……click to access
12 – Revelation 11 – Questions
14 – Revelation 12 – Questions
17 – Revelation 13 – Questions – Additional (Daniel)
18 – Revelation 14 – Questions
19 – Revelation 15 – Questions
20 – Revelation 16 – Questions
21 – Revelation 17 – Questions & Tables
22 – Revelation 18 – Questions
23 – Revelation 19 – Questions
24 – Revelation 20 – Questions
25 – Revelation 21 – Questions