3.12 Toxic modern foods

Industrialization of our food supply.

Revelation 17 and 18 makes it clear that as the end-time approaches, the nations of the earth will start behaving unnaturally, as if they have lost their senses, as if they are drunken. Rev 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

One option, in which this unnatural behavior may be interpreted, is that the inhabitants have also been physically affected by the end-time Babylon system. This is further affirmed in Revelation 18:23…”for by thy sorceries (‘Pharmakeia’) were all nations deceived.” 

Besides the spiritual ‘drunkenness’ of the nations, it possible that there is also a physical aspect to this unnatural behavior of the earth’s inhabitants. Is it possible that, by the ‘wine’/food we consume that we are disabled somehow, unable to function properly, in the way that a drunken man is disabled?

Johan Jacobs’ book “Go Natural”, explains in detail what has happened to our food supply over the last century. In summary:

  1. Loss of healthy soil minerals: Grain production has become dependent on petrochemical fertilizers.  These fertilizers add back Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (N:P:K) to the soil. These minerals are the bare minimum requirement for a presentable crop of wheat, maize, or some other grains. Normal soil contains many more minerals which are essential to ensure our long-term health. These are no longer present in sufficient quantities in our modern foods.
  2. Milling: with the advent of large-scale milling over the last century, it was found that shelf life of flour is vastly improved by removing the wheat germ. Knowing full well that 80% of nutrients are resident in the germ, it was nevertheless removed, together with the bran. What is left are the carbohydrates and some proteins, on which we then ‘overdose’, resulting in obesity, gluten intolerance, diabetes, etc. (refer to “GoNatural.co.za”.)
  3. Storage: Grains, fruit and Vegetables should be consumed fresh and a soon after picking as possible. Spinach, for example, loses 80% of its vitamins after 48 hours. Should storage be required, the best way to preserve the minerals and vitamins is by fermentation. Captain Cook’s epic journey around Australia, without fresh foods, was made possible by the liberal use of sauerkraut! Cold storage and long transport durations diminish the available nutrients drastically by the time it arrives on our dinner plates.
  4. Pesticides: Roundup: The most common pesticides in use today are of the variety called Organophosphates (roundup). Pesticides are easily absorbed inti your body through contact with skin, breathing them in through your lungs and by ingesting them through your mouth. Even though your body is designed to eliminate such poisons, the sheer amount of these toxins that you encounter daily is far more than what your body was ever designed to deal with. Therefore these pesticides build up in your body over time. The greater the build up, the more difficult it becomes for your body to  eliminate them. When such a residue of pesticides builds up in your body you can begin to experience problems such as memory loss, depression, anxiety, neurological degeneration and hormone-sensitive cancers.
  5. Processing: TBC
  6. Genetic manipulation: TBC

For various articles on the above, also available on ‘gonatural.co.za’, refer to some of these below:

**Add p65-67 of book

Healthy food production.

The energy from the sun is captured by plants by the process of photosynthesis. In this process carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and other minerals are extracted from the air and from the soil and combined to form various organic molecules. Organic molecules are the basic building blocks of life.

Organic molecules act as the vehicles by which the energy from the sun is transferred to our bodies, enabling us to grow, heal and function. ALL life is maintained and sustained by these organic molecules, which we need to consume to survive. If meat is part of our diet, we are simply consuming the energy that animals have obtained from plant life, by grazing or by feeding off other lesser animals.

What distinguishes organic molecules from other molecules is that carbon or carbon chains form the spine to which the other organic atoms or molecules attach, notably nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. All organic molecules contain at least these building blocks, of which carbon is the heart. A carbon atom has four ‘arms’, and in a carbon chain two of these are used to hold the adjacent carbons to form the chain. The other two arms are free to attach to hydrogen, nitrogen or other molecules. Photosynthesis is the only natural way to form these basic chains.

These basic chains are then harnessed to form larger chains. These chains form our carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids (fats). The basis of all proteins, which in turn are the building blocks of our DNA, are such basic chains, also called amino acids. The composite assembly of amino acids form protein chains. These are very long chains. A protein chain would be considered ‘short’ if it is a chain of 100 amino acids. A large protein molecule could be 1000 amino acids long.

As one can imagine, there is a huge number of combinations of proteins which may be formed by various combinations of these amino acids.

This complex assembly, every step of the way, occurs in the humble leaf of a plant.

Healthy soil

To form organic molecules, it is only Carbon (as CO2) and oxygen which is derived from the air. All the other atoms/minerals must be derived from the soil. Nitrogen occurs in the air, but not in a useable form.

It stands to reason that soil that is continuously used to grow the same crop will eventually get depleted of minerals. In addition, soil bacteria need to be present to assist in the splitting and joining of molecules. For example, nitrogen in the soil is split and joined to hydrogen by bacteria in order to become a useful molecule.

A healthy soul needs to contain these bacteria, and needs to be fed with organic vegetable matter on a continuous basis. This is the reason of the traditional practice that land is laid fallow, so it can rest and restore the minerals and bacteria.

Large scale plowing and synthetic fertilizers disturb and kill these bacteria.

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