7.7 The Victor …………………

Jesus’s second coming. There is a sense of expectancy throughout the prophetic books of the Old Testament  describing the coming of the Lord Messiah to reign on this earth. Every Jewish child was taught about the messiah to come. He was to be the glorious and mighty ruler over the whole earth, ruling with a Read More…

7.4 The Beast was, & is not, the 8th.

The Beast of Revelation 17 (&13) (continuation of post 7.2, a mid-2023 interpretation) Not many interpretations address a clue given by the angel, who advises John in V7 that he will ‘tell him the mystery of the woman’ and the mystery of the Beast carrying the woman. Previously I had tried to understand Rev13 beast first before moving Read More…

4.4 Science and Evolution*

Statistics and the Origin of Life A 2009 New Scientist article stated: There is no doubt that the common ancestor (the first life form) possessed DNA, RNA and proteins, a universal genetic code, ribosomes (the protein-building factories), ATP and a proton-powered enzyme for making ATP. The detailed mechanisms for reading off DNA and converting genes Read More…

2.5 Jesus reigns from Jerusalem 

Jerusalem now: Currently Jerusalem is the ‘home’ to three major works based religions. Judaism, Catholicism and Islam. All three believe Jerusalem is the ‘Holy City’. All three of the above religions also have the same error, all three believe that we need to work, earn and strive our way into heaven. Even though its ostensibly Read More…